# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-13 16:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "Enabled. "
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabled. "
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Used %d. "
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Date of modification %s. "
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading widgets library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Saving widgets library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the widgets library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the widgets library."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error enabling/disabling widget '%s': %s."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Closing the file %d error '%s (%d)'!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The widget '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widgets library: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget"
msgstr ""
msgid "Library"
msgstr ""
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr ""
msgid "Storage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Library DB"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Storage address in the format \"{DB module}.{DB name}.{Table name}\".\n"
"To use %s, set '%s.{Table name}'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Remove from '%s'"
msgstr ""
msgid "Date of modification"
msgstr ""
msgid "Used"
msgstr ""
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr ""
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr ""
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
msgid "Icon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resources"
msgstr ""
msgid "MIME"
msgstr ""
msgid "Data"
msgstr ""
msgid "Calculating procedure - "
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "inherited"
msgstr ""
msgid "presented"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget is not container!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Restoring '%s' from the base container!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Library widget: "
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error enabling the inheriting widget '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Link to the widget '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Impossible deleting the base primitive-widget."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Base widget '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elementary figure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget of the elementary figure of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Line: width"
msgstr ""
msgid "Line: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Line: style"
msgstr ""
msgid "Solid;Dashed;Dotted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Border: width"
msgstr ""
msgid "Border: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fill: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fill: image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Orientation angle"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mirroring"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elements list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The elements list can contain:\n"
" line:({x}|{y}):({x}|{y})[:{width}[:{color}[:{bord_w}[:{bord_clr}[:{line_stl}]]]]]\n"
" line:{p1}:{p2}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:s{n}]]]]]\n"
" arc:({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):({x}|{y})[:{width}[:{color}[:{bord_w}[:{bord_clr}[:{line_stl}]]]]]\n"
" arc:{p1}:{p2}:{p3}:{p4}:{p5}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:s{n}]]]]]\n"
" bezier:({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):({x}|{y})[:{width}[:{color}[:{bord_w}[:{bord_clr}[:{line_stl}]]]]]\n"
" bezier:{p1}:{p2}:{p3}:{p4}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:w{n}[:c{n}[:s{n}]]]]]\n"
" fill:({x}|{y}):({x}|{y}):...:({x}|{y})[:{fill_clr}[:{fill_img}]]\n"
" fill:{p1}:{p2}:...:{pN}[:c{n}[:i{n}]]\n"
" x, y - direct point (x,y), coordinate in float point pixels;\n"
" p1 ... pN - dynamic point 1...n;\n"
" width, bord_w - direct line and border width in float point pixels;\n"
" w{n} - dynamic width 'n';\n"
" color, bord_clr, fill_clr - direct line, border and fill color name or 32bit code whith alpha: {name}[-{AAA}], #RRGGBB-AAA;\n"
" c{n} - dynamic color 'n';\n"
" line_stl - direct line style: 0-Solid, 1-Dashed, 2-Dotted;\n"
" s{n} - dynamic style 'n';\n"
" fill_img - direct image of the filling in the form \"[{src}:]{name}\", where:\n"
" \"src\" - image source:\n"
" file - directly from a local file by the path;\n"
" res - from table of DB-mime resources.\n"
" \"name\" - file path or mime-resource identifier.\n"
" i{n} - dynamic image of the filling 'n'.\n"
"For example:\n"
" line:(50|25):(90.5|25):2:yellow:3:green:2\n"
" arc:(25|50):(25|50):1:4:(25|50)::#000000-0\n"
" fill:(25|50):(25|50):c2:i2\n"
" fill:(50|25):(90.5|25):(90|50):(50|50):#d3d3d3:h_31"
msgstr ""
msgid "Point "
msgstr ""
msgid "Width "
msgstr ""
msgid "Color "
msgstr ""
msgid "Image "
msgstr ""
msgid "Style "
msgstr ""
msgid "Form element"
msgstr ""
msgid "Form element widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Element type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Line edit;Text edit;Check box;Button;Combo box;List;Tree;Table;Slider;Scroll Bar"
msgstr ""
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "View"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text;Combo;Integer;Real;Time;Date;Date and time;Password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Font"
msgstr ""
msgid "Word wrap"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr ""
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color: button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color: text"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Standard;Checkable;Menu;Load;Save"
msgstr ""
msgid "Items"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Multiple selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Check"
msgstr ""
msgid "File content"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Enter text line by the template with the char items:\n"
" 'A' - ASCII alphabetic character required. A-Z, a-z.\n"
" 'a' - ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required.\n"
" 'N' - ASCII alphanumeric character required. A-Z, a-z, 0-9.\n"
" 'n' - ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required.\n"
" 'X' - Any character required.\n"
" 'x' - Any character permitted but not required.\n"
" '9' - ASCII digit required. 0-9.\n"
" '0' - ASCII digit permitted but not required.\n"
" 'D' - ASCII digit required. 1-9.\n"
" 'd' - ASCII digit permitted but not required (1-9).\n"
" '#' - ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required.\n"
" 'H' - Hexadecimal character required. A-F, a-f, 0-9.\n"
" 'h' - Hexadecimal character permitted but not required.\n"
" 'B' - Binary character required. 0-1.\n"
" 'b' - Binary character permitted but not required.\n"
" '>' - All following alphabetic characters are uppercased.\n"
" '<' - All following alphabetic characters are lowercased.\n"
" '!' - Switch off case conversion.\n"
" '\\' - Use to escape the special characters listed above to use them as separators."
msgstr ""
msgid "List of values the editable combobox by lines."
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer value configuration in the form: \"{Min}:{Max}:{ChangeStep}:{Prefix}:{Suffix}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Real value configuration in the form: \"{Min}:{Max}:{ChangeStep}:{Prefix}:{Suffix}:{SignsAfterDot}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Enter date and/or time by the template with the items:\n"
" \"d\" - number of the day (1-31);\n"
" \"dd\" - number of the day (01-31);\n"
" \"ddd\" - acronym of the day ('Mon' ... 'Sun');\n"
" \"dddd\" - the full name of the day ('Monday' ... 'Sunday');\n"
" \"M\" - number of the month (1-12);\n"
" \"MM\" - number of the month (01-12);\n"
" \"MMM\" - acronym of the month ('Jan' ... 'Dec');\n"
" \"MMMM\" - the full name of the month ('January' ... 'December');\n"
" \"yy\" - the last two digits of the year;\n"
" \"yyyy\" - the full year;\n"
" \"h\" - hour (0-23);\n"
" \"hh\" - hour (00-23);\n"
" \"m\" - minutes (0-59);\n"
" \"mm\" - minutes (00-59);\n"
" \"s\" - seconds (0-59);\n"
" \"ss\" - seconds (00-59);\n"
" \"AP,ap\" - to display AM/PM or am/pm."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Operation modes of the button:\n"
" \"Standard\" - standard button with the ability to repeat the events when hold (the parameters in \"value\");\n"
" \"Checkable\" - checkable button (the value in \"value\");\n"
" \"Menu\" - opening menu by click (the list of items in \"value\");\n"
" \"Load\" - provides user downloading of small files through the visualization interface;\n"
" at the push of a button, in this mode, the dialog opens the file selection for download,\n"
" and the content of the selected file is loaded to the attribute \"value\";\n"
" \"Save\" - provides user saving small files through the interface of visualization;\n"
" after the contents of the file have been written to the \"value\" attribute,\n"
" a dialog will be opened for selecting-defining a file to save, after which the contents\n"
" of the attribute \"value\" will be saved to the file and it will be cleared itself."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parameters of the repeating of the events at holding the button \"{delay}-{interval}\", time in milliseconds."
msgstr ""
msgid "Value of the toggle."
msgstr ""
msgid "List of menu items in the form \"/grp1/grp2/item1\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"First line of the descriptor \"{FilesTemplate}|{Header}|{FileByDefaultAndLoaded}|{FileMime}\" and the loaded file content from the next line.\n"
"The files template writing like to \"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;CSV-file (*.csv)\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"First line of the descriptor \"{FilesTemplate}|{Header}|{FileByDefault}|{FileMime}\" and the saving file content from the next line.\n"
"The files template writing like to \"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;CSV-file (*.csv)\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "List of the hierarchical items by the path \"/{DIR}/{DIR}/{ITEM}\" per line."
msgstr ""
msgid "List of items-values by lines."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Configuration of the slider in the format: \"{VertOrient}:{Min}:{Max}:{SinglStep}:{PageStep}\".\n"
" \"VertOrient\" - sign of the vertical orientation, the default one is the horizontal orientation;\n"
" \"Min\" - minimum value;\n"
" \"Max\" - maximum value;\n"
" \"SinglStep\" - the size of a single step;\n"
" \"PageStep\" - the size of the page step."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"XML tag \"tbl\" for the table fill:\n"
" \n"
" {Header1}{Header2}\n"
" {Row1Column1String}{Row1Column1Integer}\n"
" {Row2Column1Logical}{Row2Column2Real}\n"
" \n"
" tbl - Table, the properties at all:\n"
" sel - selection mode of the table items:\n"
" \"row\" - by rows, \"col\" - by columns, \"cell\" - by cells (by default);\n"
" keyID - row-column number of the key, for the selection value get;\n"
" colsWdthFit - fits the columns (in the unfixed size) size to fill the full width of the table;\n"
" hHdrVis, vHdrVis - visibility of the headers, for horizontal and vertical;\n"
" sortEn - enables sorting directly by the columns.\n"
" h - Row of the headers. Possible attributes of the header cell tag for the column as a whole:\n"
" width - column width, in pixels or percents (10%);\n"
" edit - allowing to the cells of the row edition (0 or 1), by default - no (0);\n"
" color - column color as a whole in the color name or code;\n"
" colorText - color of the column text as a whole in the color name or code;\n"
" font - font of the column text in the typical OpenSCADA string;\n"
" prec - value precision of the real type cells in the column;\n"
" sort - sorting by the column [0 - Descending; 1 - Ascending];\n"
" align - alignment the column for: \"left\", \"right\" and \"center\".\n"
" r - Row of the values. Possible attributes of the row cell tag for the row as a whole:\n"
" color - row color as a whole in the color name or code;\n"
" colorText - color of the row text as a whole in the color name or code;\n"
" font - font of the row text in the typical OpenSCADA string;\n"
" prec - value precision of the real type cells in the row.\n"
" s, t, i, r, b - cells of the data types \"String\", \"Text\", \"Integer\", \"Real\" and \"Logical\". Possible attributes:\n"
" color - cell color;\n"
" colorText - color of the cell text in the color name or code;\n"
" font - font of the cell text in the typical OpenSCADA string;\n"
" prec - value precision of the real type cell;\n"
" img - image of the cell in the form \"[{src}:]{name}\";\n"
" edit - allowing the cell edition (0 or 1), by default - no (0);\n"
" align - alignment the cell for: \"left\", \"right\" and \"center\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Text field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text field widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Background: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Background: image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Border: style"
msgstr ""
msgid "None;Dotted;Dashed;Solid;Double;Groove;Ridge;Inset;Outset"
msgstr ""
msgid "Color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr ""
msgid "Top left;Top right;Top center;Top justify;Bottom left;Bottom right;Bottom center;Bottom justify;V center left;V center right;Center;V center justify"
msgstr ""
msgid "In HTML"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arguments number"
msgstr ""
msgid "Argument "
msgstr ""
msgid ": type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer;Real;String"
msgstr ""
msgid ": value"
msgstr ""
msgid ": config"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text value in HTML. Use \"%{x}\" for argument \"x\" (from 1) value insert."
msgstr ""
msgid "Text value. Use \"%{x}\" for argument \"x\" (from 1) value insert."
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer value configuration in the form \"{len}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Real value configuration in the form: \"{width};{form};{prec}\".\n"
"Where \"form\" is 'g', 'e' or 'f'."
msgstr ""
msgid "String value configuration in the form \"{len}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
msgid "Media widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Source"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Image;Animation;Video;Audio"
msgstr ""
msgid "Map areas"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fit to the widget size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Keep aspect ratio at fitting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Play speed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Play"
msgstr ""
msgid "Roll play"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""
msgid "Size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Seek"
msgstr ""
msgid "Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Area "
msgstr ""
msgid ": shape"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rect;Poly;Circle"
msgstr ""
msgid ": coordinates"
msgstr ""
msgid ": title"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Name of the media source in the form \"[{src}:]{name}\", where:\n"
" \"src\" - source:\n"
" file - directly from a local file (for visualizator or engine) by the path;\n"
" res - from table of DB-mime resources;\n"
" data - directly data in the form \"data:{mime}\\n{base64}\";\n"
" stream - stream URL to play video and audio.\n"
" \"name\" - file path or mime-resource identifier.\n"
" \"res:workMedia\" - from the table of DB-mime resources for the ID \"workMedia\";\n"
" \"workMedia\" - like to the previous;\n"
" \"file:/var/tmp/workMedia.mng\" - from a local file by the path \"/var/tmp/workMedia.mng\";\n"
" \"stream:http://localhost.localhost:5050\" - playing the stream video and audio from the URL."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Media type variant:\n"
" \"Image\" - raster or vector image, like to: PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG;\n"
" \"Animation\" - simple animation image, like to: GIF, MNG;\n"
" \"Full video\" - full video, audio or stream, like to: OGG, OGM, AVI, MKV, MPG, MP3, MP4."
msgstr ""
msgid "Rectangle area in the form \"x1,y1,x2,y2\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon area in the form \"x1,y1,x2,y2,xN,yN\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Circle area in the form \"x,y,r\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Diagram"
msgstr ""
msgid "Diagram widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Tracing period, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trend;Spectrum;XY"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cursor: seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cursor: microseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cursor: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: horizontal grid size, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time: seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time: microseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Size, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: horizontal"
msgstr ""
msgid "No draw;Grid;Markers;Grid and markers;Grid (log);Markers (log);Grid and markers (log)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: horizontal scale (%)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: horizontal scale offset (%)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: vertical"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: vertical scale (%)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: vertical scale offset (%)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: Markers: color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale: Markers: font"
msgstr ""
msgid "Value archiver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Values per pixel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parameters number"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parameter "
msgstr ""
msgid ": address"
msgstr ""
msgid ": view border: lower"
msgstr ""
msgid ": view border: upper"
msgstr ""
msgid ": color"
msgstr ""
msgid ": width"
msgstr ""
msgid ": scale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global;Markers;Grid and markers;Markers (log);Grid and markers (log)"
msgstr ""
msgid ": properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Value archiver in the form \"{ArchMod}.{ArchiverId}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of the values per pixel. Increase to enhance the export accuracy at large time intervals."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Full address to the DAQ attribute of the parameter or to the archive.\n"
"Data installation by the direct prefix is supported:\n"
" \"data:{XMLNodeData}\" - drawing from the direct set data;\n"
" \"line:{value}\" - drawing horizontal line by the value, no sense have for the type \"XY\".\n"
" \"/DAQ/System/AutoDA/MemInfo/use\" - address to the attribute \"use\" of the parameter \"MemInfo\"\n"
" of the controller \"AutoDA\" of the DAQ module \"System\";\n"
" \"/Archive/va_CPULoad_load\" - address to the archive \"CPULoad_load\";\n"
" \"data:\n"
" 0 3.14\n"
" 1 3.141\n"
" 5 3.1415 - data for 10 seconds and period in 1 second from \"25.05.2013 10:00:00\";\n"
" in the absence of \"tm\" and \"tm_grnd\" they will be set from the range of the diagram,\n"
" and setting the attribute \"s\" will allow you to specify the time in seconds;\n"
" \"line:3.14159265\" - horizontal line for the value \"3.14159265\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Actual archive properties in the form \"{BegArh}:{EndArh}:{DataPeriod}\", where:\n"
" \"BegArh\", \"EndArh\", \"DataPeriod\" - begin, end and period of data of the archive in seconds,\n"
" it is the real value up to the microseconds deep (1e-6)."
msgstr ""
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr ""
msgid "Protocol widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Header visible"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archiver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Level"
msgstr ""
msgid "View order"
msgstr ""
msgid "On time;On level;On category;On messages;On time (reverse);On level (reverse);On category (reverse);On messages (reverse)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show columns"
msgstr ""
msgid "Item properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Item "
msgstr ""
msgid ": level"
msgstr ""
msgid ": template"
msgstr ""
msgid ": font"
msgstr ""
msgid "Messages archiver in the form \"{ArchMod}.{ArchiverId}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Set value to \"< 0\" for get the current alarms."
msgstr ""
msgid "Set value to \"0\" for get all alarms, for \"lev\" < 0."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Category template or the regular expression \"/{re}/\". For the template there reserved the special symbols:\n"
" '*' - any multiply symbols group;\n"
" '?' - any one symbol;\n"
" '\\' - use to shield the special simbols."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"List of visible and the columns order separated by the symbol ';'. Supported columns:\n"
" \"pos\" - row number;\n"
" \"tm\" - date and time of the message;\n"
" \"utm\" - microseconds part of the message time;\n"
" \"lev\" - level of the message;\n"
" \"cat\" - category of the message;\n"
" \"mess\" - text of the message."
msgstr ""
msgid "Document"
msgstr ""
msgid "Document widget of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Time: begin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time: current"
msgstr ""
msgid "In the process"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archive size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archive: cursor: view"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archive: cursor: current"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archive: current document"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archive: size"
msgstr ""
msgid "CSS rules in the rows like to \"body { background-color:#818181; }\""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Document template in XHTML. Starts from the tag \"body\" and include the procedures parts:\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Final document in XHTML, starting from the tag \"body\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Write the time for the document generation from the specified one or zero for regeneration."
msgstr ""
msgid "Current archive document in XHTML, starting from the tag \"body\"."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing the document: %s."
msgstr ""
msgid "Result"
msgstr ""
msgid "Document time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Document begin time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repeat time, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repeat time, microseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repeat period"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message time, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message time, microseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message level"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message category"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message value"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error compiling function for the document: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
" The document is forming now ...
" The document is too big for generating in the standard user interface timeout (%ds). And for now the document is under the building. You can wait the forming finish or terminate the process by select lesser time interval for the document.
" The building progress:\n"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error executing instruction '%s': %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error code: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Data block %d: %0.2f%% loaded."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Messages block %d: %0.2f%% loaded."
msgstr ""
msgid "Document generation terminated."
msgstr ""
msgid "Built-in function"
msgstr ""
msgid "Built-in function widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Group of elements"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget of the group of elements of the finite visualization."
msgstr ""
msgid "Page: source of the opening"
msgstr ""
msgid "Page: group"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"EMPTY and the \"main\" group is meant of using this page as the Root-main page, so such ones will replace other Root-main pages.\n"
"The \"fl\" group is meant of using in the \"fly\" windows which are suitable for multiple open and must not be traced for doubles.\n"
"All other are meant for including to the containers-boxes or single opening, so they forced in checking for doubles when the last one will be opened and the previous ones be closed."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The project '%s' is used now by %d sessions!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading the project."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the project."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the project."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The page '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project DB"
msgstr ""
msgid "Owner and group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Access"
msgstr ""
msgid "No access;View;View and control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Period of calculation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project's session calculate period on milliseconds."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable as needed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number"
msgstr ""
msgid "Styles"
msgstr ""
msgid "Style"
msgstr ""
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
msgid "Write to style in the execution context"
msgstr ""
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Messages"
msgstr ""
msgid "mcsec"
msgstr ""
msgid "Category"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "All: %d; Enabled: %d"
msgstr ""
msgid "New style"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Page: opened"
msgstr ""
msgid "Page: process not opened"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the project page."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the project page."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The target page '%s' of the link is empty or recursive!"
msgstr ""
msgid "As a page, only a box based widget can be used!"
msgstr ""
msgid "The widget is not a container!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Page is not a container or a template!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project page: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Page type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Consider to remove included pages linked to this page as a template due to it is not the template more!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Consider to remove included pages due to this page is not a container more!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Container"
msgstr ""
msgid "Logical container"
msgstr ""
msgid "Container and template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Link"
msgstr ""
msgid "The variable is not a link"
msgstr ""
msgid "val:Constant value"
msgstr ""
msgid "=== Pages ==="
msgstr ""
msgid "=== Widgets ==="
msgstr ""
msgid "=== Attributes ==="
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget link: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the session."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the previous style loading: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the root pages creating: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the root pages enabling: %f ms."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the session."
msgstr ""
msgid "Starting the session."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the styles loading from the project: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the processing all the root pages: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the processing task starting: %f ms."
msgstr ""
msgid "Stopping the session."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Registering/opening the page '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Unregistering/closing the page '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error calculating the session '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Unregistered connection %d on the session."
msgstr ""
msgid "Session: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Session"
msgstr ""
msgid "Running"
msgstr ""
msgid "User"
msgstr ""
msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Background execution mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Counter, time of calculating"
msgstr ""
msgid "Connections counter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last request user, language, time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last user action"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remained to the forced closing, seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Period, milliseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Opened pages"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error function '%s' of the notificator: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabled notification"
msgstr ""
msgid "Performing the notification"
msgstr ""
msgid "Making the resource"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resource stream"
msgstr ""
msgid "Notification message"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language of the notification message"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resource stream type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Procedure ID"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Closing the pipe %p error '%s (%d)'!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Opened. "
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabling the page."
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabling the page."
msgstr ""
msgid "Session page: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Opened"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error compiling the function '%s' by the language '%s' for the widget: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Modification form %d, fix %d. "
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Periodic processing %s%s. "
msgstr ""
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr ""
msgid ", from the procedure"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Processing%s. "
msgstr ""
msgid ", no procedure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spent time on the branch "
msgstr ""
msgid "the item "
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "It is a try of creating a widget in depth bigger to %d!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Events: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error calculating the widget. Process is disabled."
msgstr ""
msgid "Focus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Processing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Engine of the visual control area"
msgstr ""
msgid "Roman Savochenko"
msgstr ""
msgid "The main engine of the visual control area."
msgstr ""
msgid "DB table"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resource data"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parent widget"
msgstr ""
msgid "Completely translate the procedure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Procedure text and language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Period of the procedure calculating"
msgstr ""
msgid "Changed attributes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget identifier"
msgstr ""
msgid "Child ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attribute value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attribute flags"
msgstr ""
msgid "Configuration template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Configuration value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Child identifier"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attribute generic flags and type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Permission"
msgstr ""
msgid "Period of calculating, milliseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "Work style"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flags"
msgstr ""
msgid "Original widgets"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the library '%s' loading: %f ms."
msgstr ""
msgid "Error loading the widgets libraries."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the project '%s' loading: %f ms."
msgstr ""
msgid "Error loading the projects."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the library '%s' enabling: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Time of the project '%s' enabling: %f ms."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The widget library '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The project '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to the session is not permitted for '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "That is not my session."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "User was changed to '%s' on the station '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "User '%s' has been connected on '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Error arguments of the session connecting/creating."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "User '%s' has been disconnected on '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widgets library"
msgstr ""
msgid "Functions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widgets libraries"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sessions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto created and started"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Session '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The attribute '%s' is not released. Forced removal!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "No access;R_____;R_R___;R_R_R_;RW____;RWR___;RWR_R_;RWRW__;RWRWR_;RWRWRW;Inheritance;Inherit.(R_____);Inherit.(R_R___);Inherit.(R_R_R_);Inherit.(RW____);Inherit.(RWR___);Inherit.(RWR_R_);Inherit.(RWRW__);Inherit.(RWRWR_);Inherit.(RWRWRW)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Root"
msgstr ""
msgid "Active"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: x"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: y"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: width"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: height"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: x scale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: y scale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: z"
msgstr ""
msgid "Geometry: margin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tip: tool"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tip: status"
msgstr ""
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Events processing"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error enabling the widget: %s"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error disabling the inheriting widget '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Error enabling/disabling the child widget '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parent item is empty or equal to itself!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Parent is identical to the owner for the link!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Impossible to lower down the changes of the widget '%s' to '%s' but it has the cyclic inheritance!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Adding a new attribute '%s' exceeds the number %d!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Attribute '%s' is not present."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Deleting attribute '%s' has not been released."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Image name in the form \"[{src}:]{name}\", where:\n"
" \"src\" - image source:\n"
" file - directly from a local file by the path;\n"
" res - from table of DB-mime resources.\n"
" \"name\" - file path or mime-resource identifier.\n"
" \"res:backLogo\" - from the table of DB-mime resources for the ID \"backLogo\";\n"
" \"backLogo\" - like to the previous;\n"
" \"file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png\" - from a local file by the path \"/var/tmp/backLogo.png\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Color name in the form \"{color}[-{alpha}]\", where:\n"
" \"color\" - standard color name or its numeric representation \"#RRGGBB\";\n"
" \"alpha\" - alpha-channel level [0...255], where 0 - fully transparent.\n"
" \"red\" - solid red color;\n"
" \"#FF0000\" - solid red color by the numeric representation;\n"
" \"red-127\" - half transparent red color."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Font name in the form \"{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}\", where:\n"
" \"family\" - font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like to: \"Arial\", \"Courier\", \"Times_New_Roman\";\n"
" \"size\" - font size in pixels;\n"
" \"bold\" - font bold (0 or 1);\n"
" \"italic\" - font italic (0 or 1);\n"
" \"underline\" - font underlined (0 or 1);\n"
" \"strike\" - font striked (0 or 1).\n"
" \"Arial 10 1 0 0 0\" - Arial font, size 10 pixels and bolded."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Go to the parent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Periodic processing, milliseconds"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Use 0 if you want the session period processing,\n"
" -1 if you want to use the parent widget/page/project processing period in the cascade,\n"
" -2 for disable the periodic processing in whole."
msgstr ""
msgid "Clear the widget changes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lower down the widget changes to its parent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Included widgets"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Widget '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path to the widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Path to the parent widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Owner and groups (separated by ',') of the widget in the form \"{owner}:{groups}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Widget permission in the form \"{user}{group}{other}\".\n"
"Where, \"user\", \"group\" and \"other\" is:\n"
" \"__\" - no access;\n"
" \"R_\" - read only;\n"
" \"RW\" - read and write."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Direct events processing for manipulating pages in the form:\n"
" \"{event}:{evSrc}:{com}:{prm}\". Where:\n"
" \"event\" - waiting event;\n"
" \"evSrc\" - event source;\n"
" \"com\" - command of the session (open, next, prev);\n"
" \"prm\" - command parameter, where used:\n"
" pg_so - direct name of the desired page, with the prefix;\n"
" 1 - name of a new page in the common path, without a prefix;\n"
" * - the page name is taken from the name of the previous open page;\n"
" $ - indicates the position of the relative selection of the page to open.\n"
" ws_BtPress:/prev:prev:/pg_so/*/*/$\n"
" ws_BtPress:/next:next:/pg_so/*/*/$\n"
" ws_BtPress:/go_mn:open:/pg_so/*/mn/*\n"
" ws_BtPress:/go_graph:open:/pg_so/*/ggraph"
msgstr ""
msgid "Primitive identifier that underlie the widget."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Context menu in the form of the strings list: \"{ItName}:{Signal}\".\n"
" \"ItName\" - item name;\n"
" \"Signal\" - signal name, where the result signal name is \"usr_{Signal}\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Links"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show attributes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Custom"
msgstr ""
msgid "The name's rows after the first one treat as help."
msgstr ""
msgid "Work area"
msgstr ""
msgid "Calculation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Procedure language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select the blank language to reset the widget procedure and language to the parent widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "Procedure"
msgstr ""
msgid "New attribute"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to delete non-user attribute '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to change non-user attribute '%s'."
msgstr ""
msgid "The new attribute identifier is empty!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "The new attribute identifier '%s' is already present!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boolean"
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Real"
msgstr ""
msgid "String"
msgstr ""
msgid "String (translate)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Object"
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer numbers selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Real numbers selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Strings selection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text (translate)"
msgstr ""
msgid "DateTime"
msgstr ""
msgid "Address"
msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
msgid "Constant"
msgstr ""
msgid "Input link"
msgstr ""
msgid "Output link"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full link"
msgstr ""
msgid "From style"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Connects to the attribute '%s' is more than %d!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnects from the attribute '%s' more than connections!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Root primitive"
msgstr ""
msgid "Abstract root primitive"
msgstr ""
msgid "Session user"
msgstr ""
msgid "Returns the session user by the session widget path."
msgstr ""
msgid "List"
msgstr ""
msgid "Widgets list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Returns a list of the widgets, into the widgets container, or the child list. If set then returns the pages list for projects and sessions."
msgstr ""
msgid "Node presence"
msgstr ""
msgid "Checking for the node presence, including widgets, attributes and other."
msgstr ""
msgid "Not user"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attributes list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Returns an attributes list of the widget. If set then returns only not user attributes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Get the attribute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Getting value of the widget attribute. The request can be done as by indicating the full address of the attribute in , and by: indicating separately the address of the widget in and the the attribute identifier in the ."
msgstr ""
msgid "Set the attribute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Setting value of the widget attribute. Setting can be done as by indicating the full address of the attribute in , and by: indicating separately the address of the widget in and the the attribute identifier in the ."
msgstr ""