Module | Name | Version | License | Source | Languages | Platforms | Type | Author | Description |
ICP_DAS | ICP DAS hardware | 1.9 | GPL2 | | en,uk,ru,de | x86,ARM | DAQ | Roman Savochenko Maxim Lysenko (2009) — the page translation |
Provides implementation for "ICP DAS" hardware support. Includes main I-87xxx DCON modules, I-8xxx fast modules and boards on ISA bus. |
The module provides the OpenSCADA system with the support of various equipment of "ICP DAS" company ( through the API library libi8k.a from the company, for modules I-87xxx and I-8xxx, and direct ioctl calls to Linux kernel modules for boards on bus ISA.
Most of the equipment of the "ICP DAS" company is working under the DCON protocol, but some new equipment such as I-8xxx Series operates on a parallel bus, while another part is set into the parallel bus slots (I-87xxx) which are available under the serial interface and DCON protocol, they are not addressed directly and require call of the specialized command of the slot selection. Access to equipment that uses direct requests under the DCON protocol, can be implemented by the module DAQ.DCON. Support for the rest of the equipment is not added to the module DAQ.DCON, but it was implemented in this module due to the availability of API library of the "ICP DAS" company only for the x86_32 and ARM(OABI, HardFloatFPA) platform, which brings restrictions on access to the equipment of the ICP DAS company and other equipment under the DCON protocol on the other hardware platforms.
The reason for creating this module was the works with the controller LP-8781 of "LinPAC" series of "ICP DAS" company with the purpose to implement runtime PLC based on the OpenSCADA system.
API library of the "ICP DAS" company for platform x86_32 -> libi8k.a and ARM(OABI, HardFloatFPA) -> libi8k_arm.a is available with source code of the module and does not require separate installation.
To add the "ICP DAS" data source the controller is created and configured in the OpenSCADA system. Example of the configuration tab of the controller of this type is shown in Figure 1.
From this tab you can set:
The module provides only one the "Standard (std)" type of the parameters with the parameters table name "ICPDASPrm_{CntrId}". There accessible three groups of modules/boards depending from selected bus:
The configuration tab of parameter (fig.2) generally equal for all modules/boards groups and contain:
In accordance with the parameter settings the poll and the creation of attributes is made (Fig. 3).
The modules I-8xxx series inserting on parallel bus slot of controller, for example LinPAC series. Into table 1 listed properties modules "ICP DAS" of I-8xxx series, which implemented into OpenSCADA.
Table 1 Properties of modules I-8xxx series
Module | AI | AO | DI | DO | Notes |
I-8014 | i8014W_ReadAI() or i8014W_ReadFIFO() for mode FIFO(Magic) | Tested! | |||
I-8017 | I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Float_Cal() | Tested! | |||
I-8024 | I8024_VoltageOut | ||||
I-8037 | DO_16, DO_16_RB | ||||
I-8040 | DI_32 | ||||
I-8041 | DO_32, DO_32_RB | ||||
I-8042 | DI_16 | DO_16, DO_16_RB | Tested! | ||
I-8046 | DI_16 | ||||
I-8048 | DI_8 | ||||
I-8050 | DIO_DI_16 | DIO_DO_16 | |||
I-8051 | DI_16 | ||||
I-8052 | DI_8 | ||||
I-8053 | DI_16 | ||||
I-8054 | DI_8 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | |||
I-8055 | DI_8 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | |||
I-8056 | DO_16, DO_16_RB | ||||
I-8057 | DO_16, DO_16_RB | ||||
I-8058 | DI_8 | ||||
I-8060 | DO_8 (6), DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8063 | DI_8 (4) | DO_8 (4), DO_8_RB | |||
I-8064 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8065 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8066 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8068 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8069 | DO_8, DO_8_RB | ||||
I-8077 | DIO_DI_16 | DIO_DO_16 |
For common properties the controllers series LP-8xxx configuration allowed accordingly "LinPAC" tab on controller's page (Fig.4), and also by parameter "LP-8xxx" (Fig.5). Into parameter "LP-8xxx" you can get information about controller's serial number, SDK version, DIP and Rotary switch value. Into tab "LinPAC" you can set value for controller's watchdog timer. The watchdog timer is disabled by set it to zero value. Watchdog timer's value updated into controller's task and with it period, then the acquisition task hang consequently follow controller's restart! The watchdog value must be greater to the system full loading time, up to OpenSCADA loading, wherein OpenSCADA must be loaded after time sync start.
Fast analog input modules that runs on a parallel bus.
The module I-8014 formal provides speed access to data on one channel at 250 kHz by FIFO, however, because of the pledged hardware-program limitations it does not allow to reach speed over 100 kHz per channel when scanning into real-time, by low reading speed from FIFO. In that time the data reading causes the main CPU high load, that is 9.5 microseconds per sample.
The module I-8017 formal provides speed access to data on one channel at 130 kHz, however, because of the pledged hardware-program limitations it does not allow to reach speed over 33 kHz per channel when scanning multiple channels into real-time (by switching). Data expectation is in the blind cycle, which leads to great losses of the CPU at high frequencies of the acquisition.
The modules provides sixteen analog input attributes ai{x} and eight signs of violation of the upper ha{x} and the lower la{x} boundaries, for I-8017. Also "Configuration" tab is available with advanced configuration (Fig.6):
For digital input and output modules, into tab "Configuration" (Fig.7), proposed selectable channel inversion function, that is too comfortably for next work with the channel.
The modules I-87xxx series inserting on serial bus slot of controller, for example LinPAC series. Into table 2 listed properties modules "ICP DAS" of I-87xxx series, which implemented into OpenSCADA.
Table 2 Properties of modules I-87xxx series
Module | AI | AO | DI | DO | Counters | Notes |
I-87005 | #AA (8); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | @AADODD (8), @AADI | ||||
I-87013 | #AA (4); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87015 | #AA (7); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87016 | #AA (2); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87017 | #AA (8); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87017DW | #AA (16); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87017ZW | #AA (20); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | Tested! | ||||
I-87018 | $AA3; #AA (8); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87018ZW | $AA3; #AA (10); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87019RW | $AA3; #AA (8); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | Tested! | ||||
I-87019ZW | $AA3; #AA (10); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | |||||
I-87022 | #AAN(Data) (2), $AA8N; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87024 | #AAN(Data) (4), $AA8N; W: ~AA0-5 | Tested! | ||||
I-87026 | #AAN(Data) (2), $AA8N; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87026PW | #AA (6); TP: $AA7CiRrr ($AA8Ci) | #AAN(Data) (2), $AA8N; W: ~AA0-5 | @AADI (2) | @AADODD (2), @AADI | ||
I-87028 | #AAN(Data) (8), $AA8N; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87037 | @AA(Data) (16), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87040 | @AA (32) | #AAN (32) | Tested! | |||
I-87041 | @AA(Data) (32), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | Tested! | ||||
I-87042 | @AA (16) | @AA(Data) (16), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | ||||
I-87046 | @AA (16) | #AAN (16) | ||||
I-87051 | @AA (16) | #AAN (16) | ||||
I-87052 | @AA (8) | #AAN (8) | ||||
I-87053 | @AA (16) | #AAN (16) | ||||
I-87054 | @AA (8) | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | #AAN (8) | |||
I-87055 | @AA (8) | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | #AAN (8) | |||
I-87057 | @AA(Data) (16), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87058 | @AA (8) | #AAN (8) | ||||
I-87059 | @AA (8) | #AAN (8) | ||||
I-87061 | @AA(Data) (16), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87063 | @AA (16) | @AA(Data) (16), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | #AAN (16) | |||
I-87064 | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87065 | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87066 | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87068 | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 | |||||
I-87069 | @AA(Data) (8), @AA; W: ~AA0-5 |
Besides support for modules into table 2 this modules group provide abstract module "I-87xxx" implementation, on select which to user will possible set quantity and types for generic connected module's signals: AI, AO, DI, DO and Counters. The function also selectable accessed for modules which containing signals AO and Counters and allows to limit processed channels quantity, for traffic decrease on the serial interface.
This abstract module "I-87xxx" you can use for modules "ICP DAS" I-7xxx series on "pure" serial bus.
Fields for signals quantity and types set provided into main tab of the parameter object configuration page (Fig.8).
For analog input modules possible to select mode/gain, which doing from list (Fig.9), if it specified for the module, or direct by mode's code set. The modes saved and stored into the module.
Modules with analog or digital outputs typical provide host watchdog function. And its sets safe outputs values on host activity miss for specified time. Also the modules allow specify outputs values for power on.
On Figure 10 presented tab for module with analog outputs and functions:
The type boards installed on bus ISA of personal computer. For work with this boards you need build and start drivers-modules for Linux kernel. Into table 3 listed properties boards "ICP DAS" on bus ISA, which implemented into OpenSCADA.
Counters function is not currently implemented into OpenSCADA.
Table 3 Properties of boards on bus ISA
Module | AI | AO | DI | DO | DIO | Counters | Notes |
A-626 | IXISA_AO{0...5} | IXISA_DI_{A...B} | IXISA_DO_{A...B} | ||||
A-628 | IXISA_AO{0...7} | IXISA_DIO_{A...B} | IXISA_DIO_{A...B} | ||||
A-8111 |
IXISA_AI (8,12) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
A-812 |
IXISA_AI (16,12) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
A-821 |
IXISA_AI (16,12) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
A-822 |
IXISA_AI (16,12) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
A-823 |
IXISA_AI (16,12) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
A-826 |
IXISA_AI (16,16) |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
DIO-144 |
IXISA_CN{0...5}P{A...C} |
Tested! | |||||
DIO-24 |
IXISA_P{A...C} |
DIO-48 | IXISA_CN{1...2}P{A...C} |
IXISA_CN{1...2}CR |
DIO-64 | IXISA_DIO_{A...D} | IXISA_DIO_{A...D} | IXISA_8254C{0...5} IXISA_8254CR |
DIO-96 |
IXISA_CN{0...3}P{A...C} |
ISO-730 |
ISO-813 |
IXISA_AI (32) |
ISO-AD32 | <FIFO> | ||||||
ISO-C64 | IXISA_DO_{A...H} | ||||||
ISO-DA16 | ? | ||||||
ISO-P32C32 | IXISA_DIO_{A...D} | IXISA_DIO_{A...D} | |||||
ISO-P64 | IXISA_DI_{A...H} | ||||||
P16R16DIO | IXISA_DI_{A...B} | IXISA_DO_{A...B} | |||||
P8R8DIO | IXISA_DI (8) | IXISA_DO (8) | |||||
TMC-10 | IXISA_DI_{A...B} | IXISA_DO_A |
IXISA_8254C{0...2} |
Modules/ICP_DAS/en - GFDL | March 2025 | OpenSCADA 1+r3012 |