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Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms Type Author
VCAEngine Visual control area engine 7.15 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM UI Roman Savochenko
  Maxim Lysenko (2011-2012) — the page initial translation
The main engine of the visual control area.
  • Sponsored by, for finishing the changes obtaining mechanism on the visualisers runtime without spare requests and lost data on 1.5 HD[!]: Vinnica Poultry Farm
  • To Do:
- append the image files edition user API for raster (PNG, JPEG, GIF), by LibGD2, and vector (SVG):
- implement the main functions of the GD object (into Special.FLibSYS).
... for Vision also ...
- move the runtime requests to VCAEngine in the asynchronous mode;
 !> has a problem with processing recursive events into event(), in the case of the mouse release events loss in processing the pressing mouse event.
- implement the background execution of the edited pages in the development mode, for the visual diagram forming jointly BlockCalc and DAQ-sources at all.
... for Vision and WebVision also ...
- append for the user-space global menu by the project-specific properties;
- develop the block diagrams forming (dynamic frames) from the GUI;
* adapt the widget libraries and the VCA projects to the inter-host copy.

The module provides OpenSCADA for visual control area engine (VCA). The module itself does not implement visualization of VCA, but contains data in accordance with the concept "Model/Data — Interface". The visualization of this module's data is performed by the visualization modules of VCA, such as Vision and WebVision.

Visual control area (VCA) is an integral part of the SCADA system. It applies to the client stations with a view to providing accessible information about the control object and to for the the issuance of the control actions to the object. In various practical situations and conditions the VCA, based on different principles of visualization, may by applied. For example, this may be the library of widgets Qt, GTK+, WxWidgets or hypertext mechanisms based on the technologies HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript, or third-party applications of visualization, realized in various programming languages Java, Python, etc. Any of these principles has its advantages and disadvantages, the combination of which could become an insurmountable obstacle to the use of VCA in a practical case. For example, technologies like the Qt library can create highly-productive VCA, which will undoubtedly important for the operator station for control the technological processes (TP). However, the need for installation of that client software in some cases may make using of it impossible. On the other hand, Web-technology does not require installation on client systems and is extremely multi-platform (it is enough to create a link to the Web-server at any Web-browser) that is most important for various engineering and administrative stations, but the productivity and reliability of such interfaces is lower, that actually eliminates the using of them at the operator stations of TP.

OpenSCADA has extremely flexible architecture that allows you to create external interfaces, including user, in any manner and taste. For example, the OpenSCADA configuration environment available now as by means of the Qt-library, and also the Web-based.

At the same time, independent creation of the VCA implementations in different basis may cause the inability to use the configuration of one VCA in another one. That is inconvenient and limited from the user side, as well as costly in terms of implementation and follow-up support.

In order to avoid these problems, as well as to create as soon as possible the full spectrum of different types of VCA, the project for the construction of the concept of VCA is founded. The result of this project was this engine module (data model) of VCA, as well as direct visualization modules Vision and WebVision.


1 Purpose

This engine module (data model) of the VCA is aimed to create the logical structure of the VCA and the execution of sessions of individual instances of the VCA projects. Also, the module provides all the necessary data to the final visualizers of the VCA, both through local mechanisms of interaction of OpenSCADA, and through the control interface of OpenSCADA for remote access.

Final version of the VCA module will provide:

  1. formation from the template frames, by assigning the dynamics and without the graphical configuration;
  2. graphical formation of new frames, using ready-made visualization elements from the library - mnemosmes;
  3. forming, in the library, new ones: frames, template frames and display elements.

2 Configuration and formation of the VCA interfaces

Module itself does not contain mechanisms for visual creating interfaces of VCA, such tools can be given by the final visualization modules of the VCA, for example such a tool provides by the module Vision.

Although the mechanisms for the visual formation of the VCA the module doesn't provide, the interface to manage the logical structure is provided, implemented on the basis of the control interface of OpenSCADA, and thus it is available for use in any OpenSCADA configurator. Dialogues of this interface are considered further in the context of the architecture of the module and its data.

3 Architecture

VCA, in whole, can operate in two modes — the development and running. In the mode of development, the interface of the VCA and its components is formed, the mechanisms of interaction are determined. In the execution mode, performes the formation of the UI interface and the interaction with the end user, based on the developed VCA.

VCA interface is formed of the frames, each of which, in its turn, formed from elements of the primitives, or user interface elements. Herewith, the user interface elements are also formed from the primitives or other user elements. That gives us a hierarchy and reuse of already developed components.

Frames and user elements are placed in the libraries of widgets. The projects of the interfaces of the final visualization of the VCA are formed from these libraries' elements. Based on these projects the visualization sessions are formed.

The described VCA structure is shown in the Figure.

VCA struct.png

That architecture of the VCA allows the support of three levels of complexity of the developing process of the control interface:

3.1 Frames and elements of the visualization (widgets)

Frame is the window, which directly provides information to the user in graphical or text form. The group of interconnected frames creates whole user interface of VC.

Content of the frame forms from the visualization elements (widgets). Widgets may be the basic primitives (different elementary figures, text, trend, etc.) and derivative, formed from the basic or other derivative widgets. All widgets are grouped by libraries. In the process of the work, the user can create his own libraries of derivative widgets.

Actually the frame itself is also a widget that is used as a final element of visualization. This means that the widget libraries can store the blanks of frames and the templates of the resulting pages of the user interface.

Frames and widgets are passive elements that do not normally contain links to the dynamics and other frames, but only provide information about the properties and the nature of the dynamics (configuration), connected to the properties. Activated frames, i.e. containing links to the dynamics and active connections, form the user interface and are stored in the projects. In some cases, it is possible the direct appointment of the dynamics in the blanks of frames.

Derivative frames/widgets can contain included widgets, which can be glued-linked of one another with the logic by the user programming language of OpenSCADA.

VCA widget.png

The widget is an element through which the following is provided:

Setting and linkage of the widgets is done through their properties. Parent widget and the widgets it contains, can be complemented by user properties. Then, the user and static attributes, are associated with the properties of included widgets by internal logic. To show the dynamics (current and archived data), properties of the widgets are dynamized, that is linked with the attributes of the parameters of OpenSCADA or properties of other widgets. Using, for linking nested widgets by internal logic, the user programming language of OpenSCADA relieves the issue of implementing a complex visualization logic, thus providing high flexibility. Practically, you can create fully dynamized frames with complex interactions at the user level.

3.2 Project

The direct configuration, and the properties of the final visualization interface, are contained in the visualization interface project of VCA, which can be created a lot.

Each project includes pages from the libraries of the frames/widgets. For a number of modes, the page itself may include nested pages as parent-independent and using parent as a template. The template pages-widgets allow to extremely simplify the process of creating the same type of the frames for easy monitoring by the ACS-TP engineer or the user OpenSCADA. An example of such one-type frames may be: groups of contours, groups of graphs, reports and various summary tables. Mnemonic schemes of the technological processes rarely fall under such scheme and are formed on a separate page-widget.

The page, like the widget on which it is based, provides the ability to bind the dynamics to the properties described in it — links that can be set by dynamics or constants. In addition, linking directly at the project page level are more preferable than performing it at the library widget level.

Example of hierarchical representations of components of the project of the classical interface of VC of the technological process with the description of standard call expressions is given in Figure.

VCA prog tree.png

The following special page properties are provided:

Based on combinations of these properties the following types of pages are realized:

On the visualization side (RunTime) a logic is constructed that governs how to open pages based on the following attributes of the basic element "Box":

The logic of determining how to open pages works like this:

3.3 Session of the project execution

The project session is expanded tree of the project for direct it execution, which includes an individual task of hierarchical the widget's procedures execution. For each project can be opened many sessions. The end-user visual interface forming performs by the visualizers from data of the project's session, after the session creation by the request.

Between the widgets, at different levels of the hierarchy, finally formed fairly complex hereditary links, which are determined by the possibility of using some widgets by others, ranging from the library widget to the session widget. To explain these features of interaction, the figure shows an exhaustive map of "using" inheritance.

VCA map inher.png

At the session level widget contains a object of values of calculation procedure. This object is initiated and used in the case of presence of the calculation procedure itself. At the time of the initialization, the list of parameters of the procedure is created and a compilation of the procedure is performed with these parameters, in the module that implements the selected programming language and with the name of the resulting procedure in the form of a coded full name of the widget. The compiled function is connected to the object of values of the calculation procedure, and further the calculation is performed with the session period.

Calculation and processing of the widget runs in the following sequence:

The session objects of the project inherit from an abstract object "Widget" and use the appropriate objects of the project. Thus, the session "Session" uses the project "Project" and forms expanded tree on its basis. Project page "Page" is directly used by the session page "SessPage". The remaining objects "SessWdg" are deployed in accordance with the hierarchy of page elements.

In addition to the standard properties of the abstract widget "Widget", elements of the pages and the session pages themselves get the following properties: storage of the object of values of the computational procedure, calculation of the procedures and mechanism for processing of the events. Pages of the session, in addition, contain a container of the following by the hierarchy pages. The session, in general, is calculated with the specified periodicity and in sequence:

This policy allows to bypass the pages according to their hierarchy, and events in the widgets "climb up" during one iteration.

The sessions support multi-language at the level of the control interface of OpenSCADA, which depended from values of the generic attributes "lang" and "user" and which visualizer can set in proper way of own language. This function is enabled by dynamic messages translation of OpenSCADA.

3.4 Styles

It knows that people can have individual features in the perception of graphical information. If these features are not taken in the account, it is possible to obtain the rejection and abruption of the user to the interface of VC. This rejection and abruption can lead to fatal errors in the management of TP, as well as traumatize the human by the continuous work with the interface. In SCADA systems, arrangements have been made that regulate the requirements for creating the unified UI interface, which is normally perceived by most people. This is practically eliminates the features of people with some deviations.

In order to take this in the account and allow centralized and easy to change the visual properties of the interface module is implementing a theme manager of the visualization interface.

User can create many themes, each of which will keep the color, font and other properties of the frame elements. Simple changing of the theme will allow you to change the interface of VC, and the possibility of appointing an individual theme in the user's profile allows to take in the account his individual features.

To realize this opportunity, when creating a frame, it is necessary for the properties of color, font and others set the "Configuration" (of the table in the "Process" tab) in the value of "From style". And in the parameter "Configuration template" to specify the identifier of the style field. Next, this field will automatically appear in the style manager and can be modified there. The style manager is available on the project configuration page in the tab "Styles". In this tab, you can the styles create, delete and edit, delete their fields.

Figure. Tab "Styles" of the configuration page of the project.

In general, the styles are available from the project level. At the level of the widget libraries you can only define the style fields for the widgets. At the project level, at the choice of style, it is started the work with styles, which includes access to the fields of styles instead of direct attribute values. In fact, this means that when reading or writing a widget attribute these operations will be carried out with the corresponding field of the chosen style. The configuration field "Write to style in the execution context" allows of dynamic changing the style fields in the execution context by writing to the proper attributes, but that can be done in wrong, so that is why the field is disabled by default.

When starting a project, the project-style will be used. The user can choose a style from the list of available styles of the running project. The user-selected style will be saved and used in next time the project is launched.

3.5 Events, their processing and the events' maps

Given the range of tasks for which OpenSCADA may be used, it is necessary to provide a tool for control of interactive user events. This is due to the fact, that in dealing with individual tasks of embedded systems, input and control devices can greatly vary. But it is enough to look at the regular office keyboard and notebook one, that would remove any doubt about the necessity for the manager of events.

The events manager must work using the maps of events. Events map is a list of named events with indicating its origin. The origin of the events can be a keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. At an event emerge the events manager is looking for it in the active map and compares with the name of the event. A comparison name of the event is placed in the queue for processing. Widgets in this case must process the given queue of events.

The active map of the events is specified in the profile of each user or it is set by default, in planes.

In general, four types of events are provided:

The event itself does not provide enough information, especially if it is processed at the levels above. To uniquely identify the event and its source, the event in the whole is written as follows: "ws_BtPress:/curtime". Where:

ws_BtPress — event;
/curtime — path to the child element that has generated the event.

Table 3.5 provides a list of standard events, the support of which should be provided in visualizers of VCA.

Table 3.5. Standard events

Identifier Description
Keyboard events: key_[pres|rels][Ctrl|Alt|Shift]{Key}
*SC#3b Scan-code of the key.
*#2cd5 Code of the unnamed key.
*Esc "Esc".
*BackSpace Removing of the previous character — "<--".
*Return, *Enter Enter — "Enter".
*Insert Insertion — "Insert".
*Delete Deleting — "Delete".
*Pause Pause — "Pause".
*Print Print of the screen — "Print Screen".
*Home Home — "Home".
*End End — "End".
*Left To the left — "<-".
*Up To the up — '^'.
*Right To the right — "->".
*Down To the down — '\/'.
*PageUp Page up — "PageUp".
*PageDown Page down — "PageDown".
*F1 ... *F35 Function key from "F1" to "F35".
*Space Space — ' '.
*Apostrophe Apostrophe — '`'.
*Asterisk Asterisk on the additional field of the keyboard — '*'.
*Plus Plus on the additional field of the keyboard — '+'.
*Comma Comma — ','.
*Minus Minus — '-'.
*Period Period — '.'.
*Slash Slash — '\'.
*0 ... *9 Number from '0' to '9'.
*Semicolon Semicolon — ';'.
*Equal Equal — '='.
*A ... *Z Keys of Latin alphabet from 'A' to 'Z'.
*BracketLeft Left square bracket - '['.
*BackSlash Backslash — '/'.
*BracketRight Right square bracket — ']'.
*QuoteLeft Left quote — .
Keyboard focus events.
ws_FocusIn Focus is obtained by the widget.
ws_FocusOut Focus is lost by the widget.
Mouse events:
key_mouse[Pres|Rels][Left|Right|Midle] Pressed/released the mouse button.
key_mouseDblClick Double-click the left mouse button.
Events of quietance on the side of the visualizer.
ws_alarmChange Notifies about the alarm status change, the attribute "alarmSt".
ws_alarmLev Quietance of all violations by all notices methods and types.
ws_alarmNtf{N} Quietance of all violations by the type {N} (0...7).
Events of the elementary figure primitive ElFigure:
ws_Fig[Left|Right|Midle|DblClick] Activating of the figures (fills) by the mouse button.
ws_Fig{N}[Left|Right|Midle|DblClick] Activating of the figure (fill) N by the mouse button.
Events of the form element primitive FormEl:
ws_LnAccept A new value in the input line is set.
ws_TxtAccept The value of the text editor is changed.
ws_ChkChange The state of the flag is changed.
ws_BtPress The button is pressed.
ws_BtRelease The button is released.
ws_BtToggleChange The button toggle is changed.
ws_BtMenu={Item} Selection of the menu Item on the button.
ws_BtLoad The selected file loaded.
ws_CombChange The value of the combo box is changed.
ws_ListChange The current list item is changed.
ws_TreeChange The current tree item is changed.
ws_TableChangeSel The table item selection is changed.
ws_TableEdit_{colN}_{rowN} The table cell ({colN}:{rowN}) is edited.
ws_SliderChange The slider position is changed.
Events of the media content primitive Media:
ws_MapAct{N}[Left|Right|Midle] Media area with the number N is activated by the mouse button.
ws_MediaFinished Media-stream play is finished.

Events are the main notification mechanism and are actively used to interact with the user. There are two mechanisms for processing events:

The mechanism "Script for the control the opening of pages" based on the basic attribute of the widget "evProc", which can be used for opening the pages. Scenario of this attribute is stored as a list of commands with the syntax: "{event}:{evSrc}:{com}:{prm}". Where:

The following commands are implemented:

Special characters of the template are deciphered as follows:

For a correct understanding of working the template mechanism, when choosing a page, we give a few real examples:

Initially: /pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_1
Command: open:/pg_so/2/*/*
Result: /pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_1
Initially: /pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_1
Command: open:/pg_so/*/gkadr/*
Result: /pg_so/pg_1/pg_gkadr/pg_1
Initially: /pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_1
Command: next:/pg_so/*/*/$
Result: /pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_2

As an example, let's give a script to provide the work of the main page of the user interface: </translate>


<translate> The mechanism "Processing the events with the help of computational procedure of the widget" is based on the attribute "event" and the user procedure of calculating written with the help of the programming language of OpenSCADA. The events, in process of receipt, are accumulated in the attribute "event" till the moment of call of the computational procedure. The computational procedure is called with the specified frequency of calculating the widget and receives the attribute "event" value as the list of events. In the calculation procedure the user can: analyze, process and delete the processed events from the list, and add to the list new events. The remaining, after the procedure execution, and new events are analyzed for compliance with the conditions of the call by means of script of the primary mechanism, after which the remaining events are transmitted to the upper by the hierarchy widget to be processed by it, with the appending of the events path in accordance with the hierarchy of the penetration.

The content of the attribute "event" is a list of events in the format "{event}:{evSrc}", with the event on the separate line. Here is an example of processing events in the Java-like programming language of the OpenSCADA: </translate>

for(ev_rez = "", off = 0; (sval=event.parse(0,"\n",off)).length; ) {
  if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_light") alarmSt = 0x1000001;
  else if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_alarm") alarmSt = 0x1000002;
  else if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_sound") alarmSt = 0x1000004;
  else ev_rez += sval+"\n";
event = ev_rez;

3.6 Signaling (Alarms)

An important element of any visualisation interface is the user notification about the violation — signalling. To simplify the perception, but also in mind the close connectivity of visualisation and notification (as a rule, the notification complements the visualisation) it is decided to integrate the interface of the notification in the visualisation interface. To do this, all the widget provides two additional attributes of the session level: "alarm" and "alarmSt". The attribute "alarm" is used to form the signal by the widget, according to his logic, and the attribute "alarmSt" is used to control the signalling fact of the branch of the session tree.

The "alarm" attribute is a string that has the following format: "{lev}|{categ}|{message}|{type}|{tp_arg}"

Attribute "alarmSt" is an integer number that represents the maximum alarm level and the fact of the quietance of the branch of the tree of the session. Format of the number is as follows:

Alarm forming and receiving of it by the visualiser.
The alarm forming is performed by the widget itself, by setting its own attribute "alarm" in appropriate way and, in accordance with it, the attribute "alarmSt" of the current and the parent widget. Visualisers receive signal notifications using the standard mechanism of notification about changes of the widget attributes.

Taking in account that the processing of the signalling conditions is made in the widgets, the pages containing the objects of signalling should be executed in the background, regardless of their openness to the moment. This is done by setting a flag of the background execution of the page.

Although the mechanism of signalling is built in the visualisation area, the possibility of forming non-visual elements of signalling remains, for example, by creating a page that will never open.

Quietance — approving process is a fact of the operative personal take its attention to the violation in the TP work. The process mostly means of take actions for the violation eliminating and pressing to the button of the alarm quieting.

Quietance performs by specifying the root of the branch of the widgets and the types of notification, which allows to make quietance on the side of the visualiser, as in groups, for example, on the signalling object, and individually by the object of the source. It is possible to independently quietance different types of alarms. Setting of the quietance is made by the simple modification of the attribute "alarmSt".

Example of the script to work with the signals gives below:

//Separating the fact of the presence of alarms of different methods-types of notification
cvt_light_en = alarmSt&0x100; cvt_alarm_en = alarmSt&0x200; cvt_sound_en = alarmSt&0x400;
//Separating the fact of the presence of alarms without quietance of various ways of notification
cvt_light_active = alarmSt&0x10000; cvt_alarm_active = alarmSt&0x20000; cvt_sound_active = alarmSt&0x40000;
//Processing of the button's events of quietance and the quietance for different ways of notification
for(ev_rez = "", off = 0; (sval=event.parse(0,"\n",off)).length; ) {
  if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_light") alarmSt = 0x1000001;
  else if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_alarm") alarmSt = 0x1000002;
  else if(sval == "ws_BtPress:/cvt_sound") alarmSt = 0x1000004;
  else ev_rez += sval + "\n";
event = ev_rez;

External notification methods
The first and the typical method of notifications is screen's light notification by alarm colors and its dynamic about proper visual elements, which always presents and does not require of specific configuration. But often we need for an external type notification, for example: external lamp, PC buzzer or "howler", arbitrary sound, synthesised speech and etc.

In order to realize this possibility, the external methods of the notification and the corresponding notification types, are freely described for the visualisation server and the visualiser itself. On the side of the visualisation server, the formation/receipt of the notification resource and the notification itself is described. On the side of the visualiser, the notification is described according to the resources of the visualisation server.

Description of the rules and scenarios of the notifications performs with user attributes of the text type for pages of the visualisation project, which applies at the page open. That is, potentially, for each open page, you can describe your own rules of the notification, though, it's usually enough and describes the general rules of the notification on the project's main page — a page that opens one-off and does not close at work:

if(doRes) { The command text to form the resource. }
if(doNtf) { The command text to notify. }
//name={The notifier name}
//ico={The icon name}
{ The notification command text to any or concrete visualiser. }


Presence of the field "resStatic" enables the resource obtaining directly from the resource table or a file, pointed in the way like to the "Media" primitive.

The exchanging variables:

The examples and comments to work of the typical notification methods:


  • alarm = "10|Prm||0x02"
  • notifyVisVision1 | notify1 =
if(en && (ntfPrg=SYS.system("which beep")).length &&
    (SYS.system("test -s "+prcID+".pid",true) ||		//No PID file
     SYS.system("ps -A -o \"pid cmd\" | grep \"^ *$(cat "+prcID+".pid).*"+ntfPrg.parseLine(0)+"\" > /dev/null",true)) )	//No notify already
    ntfPrg = ntfPrg.parseLine(0);
    SYS.system(ntfPrg+" -f 1000 -l 100000 &\necho $! > "+prcID+".pid", true);
else if(!en && !SYS.system("test -s "+prcID+".pid",true))
    SYS.system("kill $(cat "+prcID+".pid); rm "+prcID+".pid "+prcID+".res;", true);
  • notifyVisVision1 | notify1 =
if test $en = 1; then
    ntfPrg=$(which beep)
    #No PID file || No notify already
    if test ! -s $ || ! ps -A -o "pid cmd" | grep "^ *$(cat $*$ntfPrg" > /dev/null; then
      $ntfPrg -f 1000 -l 100000 &
      echo $! > $
elif test -s $; then
    kill $(cat $
    rm $ $prcID.res



  • alarm = "10|Prm||0x04"
  • notify2 | notifyVisVision2 =
if(en) SYS.system("play -q alarm.ogg");
  • notify2 | notifyVisVision2 =
if test $en = 1; then play -q alarm.ogg; fi



  • alarm = "10|Prm||0x04|res:al_prm1"
  • notify2 =
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if(doNtf && en && res.length) {
  SYS.fileWrite("tmpPlay", res);
  SYS.system("play -q tmpPlay");
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if test $doNtf = 1 -a $en = 1 -a -s $res; then play -q $res; fi


  • alarm = "10|Prm|Text message of the speech synth|0x04"


  • notify2 =
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if(doNtf && en && mess.length) {
  SYS.fileWrite("tmpForSpeech", mess);
  SYS.system("festival --tts tmpForSpeech");
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if test $doNtf = 1 -a $en = 1 -a "x" != "x$mess"; then
  echo $mess > tmpForSpeech
  festival --tts tmpForSpeech
  rm tmpForSpeech



  • alarm = "10|Prm||0x04"
  • notify2 =
if(doRes) res = SYS.fileRead("alarm.ogg");  //Insert here a different method of the generation
if(doNtf && en && res.length) {
  SYS.fileWrite("tmpPlay", res);
  SYS.system("play -q tmpPlay");
  • notify2 =
if test $doRes = 1; then cp -f alarm.ogg $res; fi  #Insert here a different method of the generation
if test $doNtf = 1 -a $en = 1 -a -s $res; then play -q $res; fi
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if(en && res.length) {
  SYS.fileWrite("tmpPlay", res);
  SYS.system("play -q tmpPlay");
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if test $en = 1 -a -s $res; then play -q $res; fi


  • alarm = "10|Prm|Text message of the speech synth|0x04"


  • notify2 =
if(doRes && mess.length) {
 SYS.fileWrite("tmpText", mess);
 SYS.system("text2wave tmpText -o tmpWAV");
 res = SYS.fileRead("tmpWAV");
 SYS.fileRemove("tmpText"); SYS.fileRemove("tmpWAV");
if(doNtf && en && res.length) {
 SYS.fileWrite("tmpPlay", res);
 SYS.system("play -q tmpPlay");
  • notify2 =
if test $doRes = 1 -a "x" != "x$mess"; then
 echo $mess > tmpText
 text2wave tmpText -o $res
 rm tmpText
if test $doNtf = 1 -a $en = 1 -a -s $res; then play -q $res; fi
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if(en && res.length) {
 SYS.fileWrite("tmpPlay", res);
 SYS.system("play -q tmpPlay");
  • notifyVisVision2 =
if test $en = 1 -a -s $res; then play -q $res; fi

3.7 Rights management

For the separation of access to the interface of VC and its components, every widget contains information about the owner, its groups and access rights. Access rights are recorded, as adopted in OpenSCADA, as a triad: "{user}{group[,group1,groupN]}{other}", where each element consists of two attributes of the access, for which the following interpretation is adopted:

In the development mode a simple scheme of accessing "root:UI|RWRWR_" is used, which means — all users can open and view the libraries, their components and projects, and all users of the group "UI" (user interfaces) can edit.

In the runtime mode the rights work, described in the interface components, which include the ability to inherit the owner and rights from the top to the bottom. Wherein, by default, the inheritance enabled for each widget, then they get the owner and the rights of the project. At the same time, the direct setting of the rights of the complex widget will propagate them to all components of this widget.

3.8 Linkage with the dynamics

To provide the visualization interface of relevant data, data from the subsystem "Data acquisition (DAQ)" should be used. The nature of these data is as follows:

  1. parameters that contain some number of attributes;
  2. attributes of the parameter can provide information of five base types: "Boolean", "Integer", "Real", "String" and "Object";
     where appended the VCA modifiers: "Selectable"; String variants: "Text", "Translation", "Color", "Image", "Font", "Address"; Integer variants: "DateTime".
  3. attributes of the parameter can have their archive (history);
  4. attributes of the parameter can be set to read, write and with full access.

Given the first point, it is necessary to provide the possibility of group-based reference. To do this, we use the logical level concept.

According to point 2, the links provide a transparent type conversion and do not require a special configuration.

To satisfy the opportunities for accessing to archives, in accordance with the item 3, links make check of the attribute type, and in the case of connection to the "Address", the address of the link is put into the value.

In the VCA terms, the dynamic links and configuration of the dynamics are the one process, to describe a configuration of which the tab "Processing" of the widgets is provided. The tab contains a table of configuration of the attributes properties and the calculation procedure text of the widget.

Figure. Tab "Processing" of the configuration page of the widget.

In addition to configuration fields of the attributes the column "Processing" in the table provides, for selective using of the attributes in the computational procedure of the widget, and the columns "Configuration", "Configuration template", to describe the links configuration.

If the "Processing" column is true, then the variable {widget ID}_{attribute ID} becomes available in the computational procedure, for example cw_value.

The column "Configuration" allows to specify the link type of the widget attribute:

The column "Configuration template" makes it possible to describe the groups of dynamic attributes. For example, it may be different types of parameters of the subsystem "DAQ" and other interface widgets. With the correct formation of this field, the mechanism of automatic assignment of attributes is worked, with only the parameter of the subsystem "DAQ" or the widget of the interface, which simplifies and accelerates the configuration process. Value of this column has the following format:

There may be several types of links, that are defined by the prefix:

Processing of the links occurs at a period of the widget calculating in the following order:

The figure shows a tab of links for group attributes, by specifying only the parameter. The following figure shows the individual attribute assignment.

Figure. Tab "Links" of the configuration page of the widget with the group assignment of the attributes by the specifying only the parameter.
Figure. Tab "Links" of the configuration page of the widget with the individual assignment of the attributes.

When placing a widget in the widget container, all links of the original widget are added to the list of resulting links of the widget container, however, only to a depth at one level of nesting.

Figure. Tab "Links" of the configuration page of the widgets container, including widgets with links.

From the foregoing it is clear that the links are set by the user during the configuration of the interface. However, in order to allow the creation of general-purpose frames with the function of providing detailed data of different sources of the same type, a dynamic linking mechanism is required. Such a mechanism is foreseen:

Let's examine the example when we have the frame of general-purpose "Control panel of graph" and a lot of "Graphs" in different frames. "Control panel of graph" has links with the templates:

In this case, each widget "Graph" has attributes "tSek", "tSize", "trcPer" and "valArch". Calling the "Control panel of graph" by opening signal from any widget "Graph", the attributes of the "Control panel of graph" are linked together with the attributes of the "Graph" widget, according to the template. As a result, all changes in the "Control panel of graph" will be displayed on the graph, through these links.

If the "Graph" widget has external links to the parameters of the "Data acquisition" subsystem, the "Control panel of graph" links will be installed on the external source. Additionally, if the "Control panel of graph" will be declared the links to the missing attributes directly in the widget "Graph", then the search will be made for the presence of such attributes in the external source — the first one on which a direct link is established, performing, thereby, the addition of the missing links.

To visualize this mechanism the table is provided.

Table. The mechanism of the dynamic linkage.

Attributes of the "Control panel of graph" (the template of dynamic linkage) "Graph" attributes Attributes of the external "Parameter" Resulting link or value of the linking attribute
tSek (<page>|tSek) tSek - "Graph".tSek
tSize (<page>|tSize) tSize - "Graph".tSize
trcPer (<page>|trcPer) trcPer - "Graph".trcPer
valArch (<page>|valArch) valArch - "Graph".valArch
var (<page>|var) var var "Parameter".var
ed (<page>|ed) - ed "Parameter".ed
max (<page>|max) - - EVAL
min (<page>|min) - - EVAL

3.9 Primitives of the widgets

Any newly created widget is based on one of several primitives — end element of the visualization, by installing of the kinship as directly to the primitive, as well as through the several intermediate user widgets. Each of the primitives contains a mechanism of the data model. An instance of the widget stores the properties values of the primitive own configuration.

The tasks of the visualization interface include support and work with the data model of the widgets primitives. The widgets primitives should be thoroughly worked out and unified, in order to capture as many opportunities as possible in a smaller number of poorly linked, with the purpose, primitives.

Table. Library of the primitives of the widgets — basic elements of the visualization.

Identifier Name Function
ElFigure Elementary graphical figure

The primitive is the basis for drawing elementary graphical shapes with their possible combinations in a single object. The support of the following elementary figures is provided:

  • Line.
  • Arc.
  • Bézier curve.
  • Fill of the enclosed space.

For all the figures, contained in the widget, set the common properties of thickness, color, etc., provides the possibility to specify the above-mentioned attributes for each figure separately and their dynamization.

FormEl Element of the form

Includes support for the standard form components:

  • Line edit.
  • Text edit.
  • Check box.
  • Button.
  • Combo box.
  • List.
  • Tree.
  • Table.
  • Slider.
  • Scroll bar.
Text Text Text element-label. Characterized by the font type, color, orientation and alignment. Support for arguments is provided.
Media Media Element of the visualization of raster and vector images of various formats, playback of the animated images, playback of the audio fragments and view of the video fragments.
Diagram Diagram Element of the diagram with the support of the visualization in the real-time for the flow of several: trends (time charts), spectrum, XY diagrams.
Protocol Protocol Element of the protocol — visualizer of the program messages, with support of the multiple operating modes.
Document Document Element of the generating reports, journals and other documentation on the basis of available data.
Box Container Contains the mechanism for other widgets placement-including with the purpose of creation of new, more complex, widgets and pages of the end visualization.
Function, in plane Function of API of the object model of OpenSCADA Not visual widget, on the runtime side, which allows to include a computing function of the object model of OpenSCADA in the VCA.

Table. The common set of properties/attributes in the widget

Identifier Name Number Value
id Identifier - Identifier of the element. The attribute is read-only, designed to provide information on the ID of the element.
path Path - Path to the widget. The attribute is read-only and designed to provide full information about the element location.
parent Parent - Path to the parent widget. The attribute is read-only and designed to provide information about the ancestor location which the widget is inherited from.
owner Owner - The widget owner and group in the view "{owner}:{group[,group1,groupN]}", by default the "root:UI".
perm Permission -

Permission to the widget in the view "{user}{group}{other}" plus the inheritance flag, enables the inheritance for owner and its permissions from the upper widget.
Where "user", "group" and "other" is:

  • "__" — no access;
  • "R_" — read-only;
  • "RW" — read and write.

By default the 01000 — inheritance.

root Root 1 Identifier of the widget-primitive (basic element) which underlies the widget visualization shape.
name Name - Name of the element. Accessible to modification the element name.
dscr Description - Description of the element. Text field of the brief description.
en Enabled 5 The state "Enabled" of the element. Disabled element is not shown in the execution mode.
active Active 6 The state "Active" of the element. Active element may receive focus in the execution mode, and thus receive keyboard and other events with their subsequent processing.
geomX Geometry: x 7 Geometry, coordinate 'x' of the element position.
geomY Geometry: y 8 Geometry, coordinate 'y' of the element position.
geomW Geometry: width 9 Geometry, the width of the element.
geomH Geometry: height 10 Geometry, the height of the element.
geomXsc Geometry: x scale 13 Horizontally scale of the element.
geomYsc Geometry: y scale 14 Vertical scale of the element.
geomZ Geometry: z 11 Geometry, coordinate 'z' (level) of the element on the frame. Defines also the order to transfer the focus through active elements.
geomMargin Geometry: margin 12 Geometry, the margins of the element.
tipTool Tip: tool 15 Text of a brief help or tip on this element. Realized usually as a tool tip, while keeping your mouse cursor over the element.
tipStatus Tip: status 16

Text information on the status of the element or the guide to action over the element. Implemented usually in the form of a message in the status bar while keeping your mouse cursor over the element.

* Modification the attribute from session of the root page will record the message in the status bar of the visualization window of the session.
contextMenu Context menu 17

Context menu in the strings list view: "{ItName}:{Signal}".

  • "ItName" — name of the item;
  • "Signal" — name of the signal, which forming at the selecting: "usr_{Signal}".
evProc Events processing -

Attribute for storing of the script of the events processing for direct control of the user interface. Script is a list of commands to the visualization interface, generated at the event receipt (attribute event). Direct events processing to manage pages, in the view: "{event}:{evSrc}:{com}:{prm}". Where:

  • "event" — waiting event;
  • "evSrc" — event source;
  • "com" — command of the session: open, next, prev;
  • "prm" — command parameter, where used:
    • pg_so — direct name of the desired page, with the prefix;
    • 1 — name of the new page in a general way, without a prefix;
    • * — the page is taken from the previous page name;
    • $ — indicates the place relative to which the page opens.


  • ws_BtPress:/prev:prev:/pg_so/*/*/$
  • ws_BtPress:/next:next:/pg_so/*/*/$
  • ws_BtPress:/go_mn:open:/pg_so/*/mn/*
  • ws_BtPress:/go_graph:open:/pg_so/*/ggraph
Additional attributes for items, placed into the project in the role of a page.
pgOpen Page: opened -

Sign "The page is opened".

* Modification from the session provides an immediate opening/closing the page, but for the pages type "Link" you must prefer of the user API function uiCmd() using to the pages managing.
pgNoOpenProc Page: process not opened - Sign "Execute the page, even if it is closed".
pgOpenSrc Page: source of the opening 3

Full address of the page which has opened this one.

* Writing/clearing the widget address, of the opening initiation, performs an immediate opening/closing the page. In the case of writing the address and on certain conditions, the dynamic linking of the current widget to the initiator performs. But for the pages type "Link" you must prefer of the user API function uiCmd() using to the pages managing.
pgGrp Page: group 4 Group of the pages. EMPTY and the "main" group is meant of using this page as the Root-main page, so such ones will replace other Root-main pages; the "fl" group is meant of using in the "fly" windows which are suitable for multiple open and must not be traced for doubles; all other are meant for including to the containers-boxes or single opening, so they forced in checking for doubles when the last one will be opened and the previous ones be closed.
Additional attributes of the execution mode — by the session.
(Virtual attributes are not available in the widget procedure)
event Events - Special attribute of the collection of events of the widget in the list, which is divided by the new line. Access to the attribute is protected by a critical section in order to avoid loss of the events. The attribute is always available in the widget procedure.
load Load -1 Virtual command of the group data download.
focus Focus -2 Special attribute of the indicating the fact of receiving the focus by an active widget. Attribute of the widget and of the included widgets is available in the widgets procedures.
perm Permission -3 Virtual attribute of the rights of the active user to view and control the widget.
* — Special function of the widget attribute which executing in the project session at any user's modification.

The engine of the visualization environment provides activation of the visualizer specific attributes. The activation process performs at opening a session of the project and means for the project: creation of the specific attribute with the specified properties, at case it lack, and activation for tracing its modification by the engine of the visualization environment, like to the attributes of forming primitive's shapes. To direct specifying such attribute you can also use the prefix "vs_" to the attribute identifiers, what is mach faster and excludes of the activation stage. For the specific attributes list of the visualizer you can see the documentation of the proper visualizer.

3.9.1 Elementary graphical figure (ElFigure)

The primitive is the basis for drawing basic graphical shapes with their possible combinations in a single object. Taking in the account the wide range of various shapes, which must be maintained by the primitive, and at the same time the primitive must be simple enough for using and, if possible, for implementation, it was decided to limit the list of the basic figures used for the construction of the resulting graphics to these figures: line, arc, Bézier curve and fill of the enclosed spaces. Based at these basic figures, it is possible to construct derived figures by combining the basic. In the context of the primitive, there is a possibility to set the transparency of the color in the range [0...255], where '0' — complete transparency.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Elementary figure (ElFigure)"

Identifier Name Number Value
lineWdth Line:width 20 Line width.
lineClr Line: color 21 Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
lineStyle Line: style 22 Line style: solid, dashed, dotted.
bordWdth Border: width 23 Border width of the line. Zero width indicates the absence of the border.
bordClr Border: color 24 Border color (details in attribute 21).
fillColor Fill: color 25 Fill color (details in attribute 21).
fillImg Fill: image 26 Image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
orient Orientation angle 28 Rotation angle of the widget content.
mirror Mirroring 29 Mirroring the widget content, limited currently.
elLst Elements list 27 List of the graphic elements in the format:
  • Line. General form of the entry in the list, for static and dynamic parameters (may be mixed):
  • Arc. General form of the entry in the list, for static and dynamic parameters (may be mixed):
VCA arc.png
p1, p2 — start and end points of the elliptic arc, respectively;
p3 — center of the arc;
p4 — first radius;
p5 — second radius.
  • Bézier curve. General form of the entry in the list, for static and dynamic parameters (may be mixed):
  • Fill. General form of the entry in the list, for static and dynamic parameters (may be mixed):


x, y — direct point (x,y), coordinates in pixels with floating point;
p1 ... pN — dynamic point 1...N;
width, bord_w — direct width of the line and border in pixels with floating point;
w{n} — dynamic width 'n';
color, bord_clr, fill_clr — direct color of the line, border and fill in name or 32bit code with alpha: {name}[-{AAA}], #RRGGBB-AAA;
c{n} — dynamic color 'n';
line_stl — direct line style: 0-Solid, 1-Dashed, 2-Dotted;
s{n} — dynamic style 'n';
fill_img — direct fill image in the view "[{src}%3A]{name}", where:
"src" — source of the image:
file — directly from local file by the path;
res — from the resources table of DB.
"name" — file path or identifier of the resource.
i{n} — dynamic fill image 'n'.

For example:

  • line:(50|25):(90.5|25):2:yellow:3:green:2
  • arc:(25|50):(25|50):1:4:(25|50)::#000000-0
  • fill:(25|50):(25|50):c2:i2
  • fill:(50|25):(90.5|25):(90|50):(50|50):#d3d3d3:h_31
Attributes of each point from the graphic figures list elLst
p{n}x Point {n}:x 30+n*6 Coordinate 'x' of the point n.
p{n}y Point {n}:y 30+n*6+1 Coordinate 'y' of the point n.
w{n} Width {n} 30+n*6+2 Width n.
с{n} Color {n} 30+n*6+3 Color n (details in attribute 21).
i{n} Image {n} 30+n*6+4 Image n (details in attribute 26).
s{n} Style {n} 30+n*6+5 Style n.

3.9.2 Element of the form (FormEl)

A primitive, designed to provide the user with standard elements of the form. The general attribute list depends on the element type.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Element of the form (FormEl)"

Identifier Name Number Value
elType Element type 20 Type of the element, from which depends the list of additional attributes:
  • Line edit (0)
  • Text edit (1)
  • Check Box (2)
  • Button (3)
  • Combo box (4)
  • List (5)
  • Tree (8)
  • Table (9)
  • Slider (6)
  • Scroll bar (7)
Line edit:
value Value 21 Contents of the line.
view View 22 View of the editing line:
  • Text (0)
  • Combo Box (1)
  • Integer (2)
  • Real (3)
  • Time (4)
  • Date (5)
  • Date and Time (6)
  • Password (7)
cfg Configuration 23 Configuration of the line. Format of the value of the field for different views of the lines:
Text — configuration of the formatted input at the template with the parameters (supported only by Qt in UI.Vision):
A — ASCII alphabetic character required, [A-Za-z].
a — ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required.
N — ASCII alphanumeric character required, [A-Za-z0-9].
n — ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required.
X — Any character required.
x — Any character permitted but not required.
9 — ASCII digit required, [0-9].
0 — ASCII digit permitted but not required.
D — ASCII digit required, [1-9].
d — ASCII digit permitted but not required.
# — ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required.
H — Hexadecimal character required, [A-Fa-f0-9].
h — Hexadecimal character permitted but not required.
B — Binary character required, [0-1].
b — Binary character permitted but not required.
> — All following alphabetic characters are uppercased.
< — All following alphabetic characters are lowercased.
! — Switch off case conversion.
\\ — Use to shield the special characters listed above to use them as separators.
Combobox — list of values the editable combobox by lines.
Integer — integer value in the form: "{Min}:{Max}:{ChangeStep}:{Prefix}:{Suffix}".
Real — real value in the form: "{Min}:{Max}:{ChangeStep}:{Prefix}:{Suffix}:{SignsAfterDot}".
Time, Date, Date and time — to form the date following the template with the parameters:
d — number of the day (1-31);
dd — number of the day (01-31);
ddd — acronym of the day ("Mon" ... "Sun");
dddd — full name of the day ("Monday" ... "Sunday");
M — number of the month (1-12);
MM — number of the month (01-12);
MMM — acronym of the month ("Jan" ... "Dec");
MMMM — full name of the month ("January" ... "December");
yy — last two digits of the year;
yyyy — full year;
h — hour (0-23);
hh — hour (00-23);
m — minutes (0-59);
mm — minutes (00-59);
s — seconds (0-59);
ss — seconds (00-59);
AP,ap — to display AM/PM or am/pm.
confirm Confirm 24 Enable the confirming mode.
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}", where:
  • "family" — font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like: "Arial", "Courier", "Times_New_Roman";
  • "size" — font size in pixels;
  • "bold" — font bold (0 or 1);
  • "italic" — font italic (0 or 1);
  • "underline" — font underlined (0 or 1);
  • "strike" — font struck (0 or 1).


  • "Arial 10 1 0 0 0" — Arial font size 10 pixels and bold.
Text edit:
value Value 21 Content of the editor.
wordWrap Word wrap 22 Automatically wrap text by words.
confirm Confirm 24 Enable the confirming mode.
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (details above).
Check box:
name Name 26 Name/label of the checkbox.
value Value 21 Value of the checkbox.
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (details above).
name Name 26 Name-inscription on the button. Allowed symbols '\n' for multiple line names.
value Value 21 The value, different for modes:
  • "Standard" — repeating parameters of events on holding {delay}-{interval}, time in milliseconds;
  • "Checkable" — toggle value;
  • "Menu" — list of addresses of the menu elements like to /grp1/grp2/item1;
  • "Load" — description line {FilesTemplate}|{Header}|{FileByDefaultAndLoaded}|{FileMime} and loaded file content from next line. The files template like to "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;CSV-file (*.csv)".
  • "Save" — description line {FilesTemplate}|{Header}|{FileByDefault}|{FileMime} and saving file content from next line. The files template like to before one.
img Image 22 Image on the button. Image name in the view [{src}:]{name}, where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
color Color 23 Color of the button. Color name form "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
colorText Color:text 27 Color of the text (details above).
mode Mode 24 Operation mode of the button:
  • "Standard" — normal button which allows repeating events on it hold, the parameters in "value";
  • "Checkable" — check button, values in "value";
  • "Menu" — opens menu on press, items list in "value";
  • "Load" — provides for loading of the user-space small files through the visual interface; on the mode the button press will open the selection file dialog for loading and the file content next saving to the attribute "value";
  • "Save" — provides for saving of the user-space small files through the visual interface; on the file content writing to the attribute "value" for user will: open the selecting/setting file dialog, save the attribute "value" content to the file, after the selecting, and set clean the attribute "value".
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (details above).
value Value 21 Current value of the list.
items Items 22 Entries of the list.
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (details above).
mult Multiple selection 23 Allow for multiple entries selection of the list.
Combo box, Tree:
value Value 21 Current value of the list.
items Items 22 Entries of the list or hierarchical items list of the tree in path "/{DIR}/{DIR}/{ITEM}".
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (details above).
set Setting value 23 Value of edition of a cell of the table which address in the event "ws_TableEdit_{colN}_{rowN}".
value Value 21 Address of the selected item. It changing follows by the event "ws_TableChangeSel". The address format depends from the table's selection mode:
  • "Cell" — cell address in the format "{row}:{col}".
  • "Row", "Column" — row-column number or cell content of the row-column key, which sets by the attribute "keyID".
items Elements 22

The table structure and content in the XML view:


The tags:

"tbl" — Table, the properties at all:
  • "sel" — selection mode of the table items: "row" — by rows, "col" — by columns, "cell" — by cells (by default);
  • "keyID" — row-column number of the key, for the selection value get;
  • "colsWdthFit" — fits the columns size, in the unfixed size, to fill the full width of the table;
  • "hHdrVis", "vHdrVis" — visibility of the headers, for horizontal and vertical;
  • "sortEn" — enables sorting directly by the columns.
"h" — Row of the headers. Possible attributes of the header cell tag for the column as a whole:
  • "width" — column width, in pixels or percents (10%);
  • "edit" — allowing to the cells of the row edition (0 or 1), by default — no (0);
  • "color" — column color as a whole in the color name or code;
  • "colorText" — color of the column text as a whole in the color name or code;
  • "font" — font of the column text in the typical OpenSCADA string;
  • "prec" — value precision of the real type cells in the column;
  • "sort" — sorting by the column [0 - Ascending-default; 1 - Descending];
  • "align" — alignment the column for: "left", "right" and "center".
"r" — Row of the values. Possible attributes of the row cell tag for the row as a whole:
  • "color" — row color as a whole in the color name or code;
  • "colorText" — color of the row text as a whole in the color name or code;
  • "font" — font of the cell text in the typical OpenSCADA string;
  • "prec" — value precision of the real type cells in the row.
"s", "t", "i", "r", "b" — cells of the data types "String", "Text", "Integer", "Real" and "Logical". Possible attributes:
  • "color" — cell color;
  • "colorText" — color of the cell text in the color name or code;
  • "font" — font of the cell text in the typical OpenSCADA string;
  • "prec" — value precision of the real type cell;
  • "img" — image of the cell in the form "[{src}:]{name}", the details above;
  • "edit" — allowing the cell edition (0 or 1), by default - no (0);
  • "align" — alignment the cell for: "left", "right" and "center".
font Font 25 Font name in the form "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}" (the details above).
Slider and Scroll Bar:
value Value 21 Slider position.
cfg Configuration 22 Configuration of the slider in the format: "{VertOrient}:{Min}:{Max}:{SinglStep}:{PageStep}".


  • "VertOrient" — sign (0 or 1) of the vertical orientation, the default is the horizontal orientation;
  • "Min" — minimum value;
  • "Max" — maximum value;
  • "SinglStep" — size of a single step;
  • "PageStep" — size of a page step.

3.9.3 Text element (Text)

This primitive is intended for outputting plain and HTML text used as labels and different signatures. In order to create decorations, primitive supports the surrounding of the text by frame.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Text element (Text)"

Identifier Name Number Value
backColor Background: color 20 Background color. Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
backImg Background: image 21 Background image. The image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
bordWidth Border: width 22 Border width.
bordColor Border: color 23 Border color (details in attribute 20).
bordStyle Border: style 24 Border style: "None" (0), "Dotted" (1), "Dashed" (2), "Solid" (3), "Double" (4), "Groove" (5), "Ridge" (6), "Inset" (7), "Outset" (8).
font Font 25 Font name in the view "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}", where:
  • "family" — font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like: "Arial", "Courier", "Times_New_Roman";
  • "size" — font size in pixels;
  • "bold" — font bold (0 or 1);
  • "italic" — font italic (0 or 1);
  • "underline" — font underlined (0 or 1);
  • "strike" — font struck (0 or 1).


  • "Arial 10 1 0 0 0" — Arial font size 10 pixels and bold.
color Color 26 Text color (details in attribute 20).
orient Orientation angle 27 Orientation of the text, the angle of rotation.
wordWrap Word wrap 28 Automatically wrap text by words.
alignment Alignment 29 Alignment of the text: "Top left" (0), "Top right" (1), "Top center" (2), "Top justify" (3), "Bottom left" (4), "Bottom right" (5), "Bottom center" (6), "Bottom justify" (7), "V center left" (8), "V center right" (9), "Center" (10), "V center justify" (11).
inHtml In HTML 31 Displays and supports the content of the argument text in HTML.
text Text 30 Text value. Use "%{x}" to place the value of the argument 'x' (from 1).
numbArg Arguments number 40 Arguments number.
Attributes of the arguments
arg{x}val Argument {x}: value 50+10*x Argument x value.
arg{x}tp Argument {x}: type 50+10*x+1 Argument x type: "Integer" (0), "Real" (1), "String" (2).
arg{x}cfg Argument {x}: config 50+10*x+2 Argument x configuration:
  • "String": {len} — string length;
  • "Real": {wdth};{form};{prec} — width, form ('g', 'e', 'f') and precision of the value;
  • "Integer": {len} — value length.

3.9.4 Element of visualization of media-materials (Media)

This primitive is intended for playing various media materials, ranging from simple images to high-quality audio and video streams.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Element of visualization of media-materials (Media)"

Identifier Name Number Value
backColor Background: color 20 Background color. Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
backImg Background: image 21 Background image. The image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
bordWidth Border: width 22 Border width.
bordColor Border: color 23 Border color (details in attribute 20).
bordStyle Border: style 24 Border style: "None", "Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid", "Double", "Groove", "Ridge", "Inset", "Outset".
src Source 25

Name of the Media source in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:

  • "src" — source:
    • file — directly from the local file, visualizer and engine, by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB;
    • data — directly data in the form "data:{mime}\n{base64}";
    • stream — stream URL for playback video and audio.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:workMedia" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "workMedia";
  • "workMedia" — like to previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/workMedia.mng" — from the local file by the path "/var/tmp/workMedia.mng";
  • "stream:http://localhost.localhost:5050" — playback for video and audio stream from the URL.
type Type 27

Media type:

  • "Image" — raster or vector (can not support) image, like to: PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG;
  • "Animation" — simple animation image, like to: GIF, MNG;
  • "Video" — full video or stream, like to: OGM, AVI, MKV, MPG, MP4;
  • "Audio" — just audio or stream, like to: OGG, MP3, WAV.
areas Map areas 28 Number of the active areas.
Attributes of the image (Image)
fit Fit to the widget size 26 Sign of coordination the contents with the widget size.
keepAspect Keep aspect ratio at fitting 35 Sign of keeping image aspect ratio at fitting to whole size of the widget.
Attributes of the animation-video (Animation)
fit Fit to the widget size 26 Sign of coordination the contents with the widget size.
speed Play speed 29 Speed of playback, as a percentage from the original speed. If the value is less or even than 1%, the playback stops.
Attributes of the full video (Full video)
play Play 29 Video/audio — "Play".
roll Roll play 30 Roll play on the finish.
pause Pause 31 Playing pause.
size Size 32 Total video size, in milliseconds.
seek Seek 33 Seek video playing, in milliseconds.
volume Volume 34 Sound volume [0...100].
Active areas
area{x}shp Area {x}: shape 40+3*x Type of the area x: "Rect", "Poly", "Circle".
area{x}coord Area {x}: coordinates 40+3*x+1 Coordinates of the area x, are separated by commas: "x1,y1,x2,y2,xN,yN".
area{x}title Area {x}: title 40+3*x+2 Title of the area x.

3.9.5 Element of constructing diagrams (Diagram)

This primitive targeted to construct various diagrams in the time, including graphs-trends showing ongoing process and the archive data. Following types of the diagrams are implemented:

For all the diagram types possible to set, as the data source:

The tracking mode is supported for current values and values from the archive, and it is possible to construct graphs of parameters that do not have a value archive by accumulating the current values in the buffer of the diagram and only at the moment of active display of this diagram.

Process of access to archival data is optimized by introducing an intermediate buffer of displaying, as well as the packaging of data traffic upon request, by bringing the data to a quality sufficient to display.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Element of constructing diagrams (Diagram)"

Identifier Name Number Value
backColor Background: color 20 Background color. Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
backImg Background: image 21 Background image. The image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
bordWidth Border: width 22 Border width.
bordColor Border: color 23 Border color (details in attribute 20).
bordStyle Border: style 24 Border style: "None", "Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid", "Double", "Groove", "Ridge", "Inset", "Outset".
trcPer Tracing period, seconds 25 Mode and periodicity of the tracing.
type Type 26 Diagram type: "Trend", "Spectrum", "XY".
General attributes for all the types
tSek Time: seconds 27 Current time, seconds.
tUSek Time: microseconds 28 Current time, microseconds.
tSize Size, seconds 29 Size of the data, seconds.
curSek Cursor: seconds 30 Cursor position, seconds.
curUSek Cursor: microseconds 31 Cursor position, microseconds.
curColor Cursor: color 32 Cursor color.
sclColor Scale: color 33 Color of the scale-grid (details in attribute 20).
sclHor Scale: horizontal 34 Horizontal mode of the scale-grid: "No draw", "Grid", "Markers", "Grid and markers", "Grid (log)", "Markers (log)", "Grid and markers (log)".
sclHorScl Scale: horizontal scale (%) 44 Horizontal scale of the graphic in percents, exclusively for the type "XY".
sclHorSclOff Scale: horizontal scale offset (%) 45 Offset of the horizontal scale of the graphic in percents, exclusively for type "XY".
sclVer Scale: vertical 35 Vertical mode of the scale-grid: "No draw", "Grid", "Markers", "Grid and markers", "Grid (log)", "Markers (log)", "Grid and markers (log)".
sclVerScl Scale: vertical scale (%) 40 Vertical scale of the graphic in percents.
sclVerSclOff Scale: vertical scale offset (%) 41 Offset of the vertical scale of the graphic in percents.
sclMarkColor Scale: Markers: color 36 Color of the markers of the scale-grid (details in attribute 20).
sclMarkFont Scale: Markers: font 37 Font of the markers of the scale-grid. Font name in the view "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}", where:
  • "family" — font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like: "Arial", "Courier", "Times_New_Roman";
  • "size" — font size in pixels;
  • "bold" — font bold (0 or 1);
  • "italic" — font italic (0 or 1);
  • "underline" — font underlined (0 or 1);
  • "strike" — font struck (0 or 1).


  • "Arial 10 1 0 0 0" — Arial font size 10 pixels and bold.
valArch Value archiver 38 Value archiver in the view "{ArchMod}.{ArchivatorId}".
valsForPix Values per pixel 42 Number of values per pixel. Increase to enhance the accuracy of export at the large time intervals.
parNum Parameters number 39 Number of parameters that can be displayed on the one trend.
Attributes for type: "Graph"
sclHorPer Scale: horizontal grid size, seconds 43 Fixed period of the horizontal scale grid — disables automatic calculation of the grid period. Activates if the number of periods for a total size greater than two and a size of one period is at least 15 pixels.
Individual attributes of the parameters
prm{X}addr Parameter {X}: address 50+10*{X} Full address to a DAQ attribute of the parameter X or to an archive.

Direct data set by the prefixes is supported:

  • "data:{XMLNodeData}" — drawing from the direct set data;
  • "line:{value}" — drawing the horizontal line by a value, no sense have for the type "XY".


  • "/DAQ/System/AutoDA/MemInfo/use" — address to the attribute "use" of the parameter "MemInfo" of the controller "AutoDA" of the DAQ module "System";
  • "/Archive/va_CPULoad_load" — address to the archive "CPULoad_load".
  • "data:<d s="1" aprox="1" tm="1369465209" tm_grnd="1369465200" per="1">
0 3.14
1 3.141
5 3.1415</d>" — data for 10 seconds and period 1 second from "25.05.2013 10:00:00"; at pass "tm" and "tm_grnd" it will takes the values from the diagram range, and also by set the attribute "s" it will allows the time setting in seconds; "aprox" — approximate the transition from one point to another instead of the previous value to all the periodicity points from the packaging;
  • "line:3.14159265" — horizontal line at the value "3.14159265".
prm{X}bordL Parametr {X}: view border: lower 50+10*{X}+1 Lower limit of the parameter X.
prm{X}bordU Parametr {X}: view border: upper 50+10*{X}+2 Upper limit of the parameter X.
prm{X}color Parametr {X}: color 50+10*{X}+3 Color for display the chart of the parameter X (details in attribute 20).
prm{X}width Parametr {X}: width 50+10*{X}+6 Line width for display the chart of the parameter X, in pixels.
prm{X}scl Parametr {X}: scale 50+10*{X}+5 Separated vertical scale mode of the parameter X: "Global", "Markers", "Grid and markers", "Markers (log)", "Grid and markers (log)".
prm{X}val Parametr {X}: value 50+10*{X}+4 Value of the parameter X under the cursor.
prm{X}prop Parametr {X}: properties 50+10*{X}+7 Real archive properties in the view "{BegArh}:{EndArh}:{DataPeriod}", where "BegArh", "EndArh", "DataPeriod" — begin, end and period of the archive's data, in seconds, in real up to microseconds (1e-6).

3.9.6 Element of building the protocols based on the message archives (Protocol)

This primitive is designed to visualize the data of the message archive through the formation of protocols with different ways of visualization, starting from a static scanning view and finishing with dynamic tracing.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Element of building the protocols based on the message archives (Protocol)"

Identifier Name Number Value
backColor Background: color 20 Background color. Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
backImg Background: image 21 Background image. The image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
font Font 22 Font name in the view "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}", where:
  • "family" — font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like: "Arial", "Courier", "Times_New_Roman";
  • "size" — font size in pixels;
  • "bold" — font bold (0 or 1);
  • "italic" — font italic (0 or 1);
  • "underline" — font underlined (0 or 1);
  • "strike" — font struck (0 or 1).


  • "Arial 10 1 0 0 0" — Arial font size 10 pixels and bold.
headVis Header visible 23 Visibility for header of the table.
time Time, seconds 24 Current time, seconds.
tSize Size, seconds 25 Query data size, seconds. Set value to '0' for get all alarms, for "lev" < 0.
trcPer Tracing period, seconds 26 Mode and periodicity of the tracing.
arch Archiver 27 Message archiver in the view "{ArchMod}.{ArchivatorId}".
tmpl Template 28 Category template or regular expression "/{re}/". For the template the special symbols are reserved:
  • '*' — any multiply, symbols group;
  • '?' — any, one symbol;
  • '\\' — use for shielding the special symbols.
lev Level 29 Level of the messages. Set value to < 0 for get the current alarms.
viewOrd View order 30 View order: "By time", "By level", "By category", "By messages", "By time (reverse)", "By level (reverse)", "By category (reverse)", "By messages (reverse)".
col Show columns 31 List of the visible and order of the columns separated by the symbol ';'. The columns are provided:
  • "pos" — row number;
  • "tm" — date and time of the message;
  • "utm" — microseconds part of the message time;
  • "lev" — level of the message;
  • "cat" — category of the message;
  • "mess" — text of the message.
itProp Item properties 32 Number of the item properties.
Individual attributes of the item properties
it{X}lev Item {X}: level 40+5*{X} Criterion: level of the element X, more or equal for the pointed.
it{X}tmpl Item {X}: template 40+5*{X}+1 Criterion: category template of the element X (details in attribute 28).
it{X}fnt Item {X}: font 40+5*{X}+2 Font of the element X (details in attribute 22).
it{X}сolor Item {X}: color 40+5*{X}+3 Color of the element X (details in attribute 20).

3.9.7 Element of formation of the documentation (Document)

The primitive is intended for the formation of reporting, operational and other documentation based on document templates.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Element of formation of the documentation (Document)"

Identifier Name Number Value
style CSS 20 CSS rules in lines like to "body { background-color:#818181; }".
tmpl Template 21 Template of the document in XHTML, starts from the tag "body" and includes the procedure parts:
<body docProcLang="JavaLikeCalc.JavaScript">
  <h1>Value<?dp return wCod+1.314;?></h1>
doc Document 22 Final document in XHTML, starts from the tag "body".
font Font 26 Basic font of the text. Font name in the view "{family} {size} {bold} {italic} {underline} {strike}", where:
  • "family" — font family, for spaces use symbol '_', like: "Arial", "Courier", "Times_New_Roman";
  • "size" — font size in pixels;
  • "bold" — font bold (0 or 1);
  • "italic" — font italic (0 or 1);
  • "underline" — font underlined (0 or 1);
  • "strike" — font struck (0 or 1).


  • "Arial 10 1 0 0 0" — Arial font size 10 pixels and bold.
bTime Time: begin 24 Start time of the document, seconds.
time Time: current 23 Time of the document generation, seconds. Write the time for the document generation from that point or zero for regeneration.
process In the process 27 Indication of the process of forming a document in a separate thread.
n Archive size 25 Number of the documents or the depth of the archive.
Attributes of the enabled archival mode
aCur Archive: cursor: current - Position of the current document in the archive. Record of the value <0 produces the archiving of this document.
vCur Archive: cursor: view -

Current visual document of the archive. Writing a value of:

  • -1 — selecting the next document;
  • -2 — selecting the previous document.
aDoc Archive: current document - Current archive document in XHTML, starts from the tag "body".
aSize Archive: size - Real size of the archive document.

Features of the primitive "Document":

The basis of any document is the XHTML template. The XHTML-template is the tag "body" of the WEB-page which contains the document's static in the standard XHTML 1.0 and elements of the executable instructions in the user programming language of OpenSCADA in the view <?dp {procedure} ?>. The resulting document is formed by the procedures execution and insertion of their result into the document.

The source for values of the executable instructions are the widget attributes of the primitive, as well as all the mechanisms of the user programming language OpenSCADA. Attributes may be added by the user and they can be linked to the actual attributes or parameters or they can be autonomous, values of which will be formed in the widget procedure. In the case of linked attributes the values can be extracted from the archive-history.

The figure shows the structure of the widget of the primitive "Document". According to this structure, "Document" contains: XHTML template, results documents and data processing procedure. Data source of the procedure and output documents is attributes of the widget.

Figure. Block diagram of the primitive "Document".

Working in two modes is provided: "Dynamic" and "Archive". Difference between archive mode is the availability of the archive of the specified depth and attributes which allow you to control the process of archiving and viewing of the document in the archive.

Generation of the document is always performed at the time of setting of the attribute time relative to the earlier set begin time of the document in the attribute bTime. With the archive turned off the resulting document is placed directly in the attribute doc. When the archive is turned on the resulting document is placed in the cell under the cursor, the attribute aCur, as well as in doc if value of the archive cursor aCur and the visualized document cursor vCur match. Attributes of the archival cursors provide several command values:

As mentioned above, the dynamics of the document template is determined by inserts of executable instructions of the view "<?dp {procedure} ?>". The procedures may use the same attributes of the widget and functions of the user programming interface of OpenSCADA. In addition to widget attributes, special attributes are reserved, see the table.

Table 3.8.7.a. Special and reserved elements of the template.

Name Assignment
rez Attribute of the result of the procedure, the contents of which is placed in the document tree.
lTime Last formation time. If the document is formed for the first time, lTime is equal to the bTime.
rTime Contains the time of look through values, seconds, defined within tags with the attribute docRept.
rTimeU Contains the time of look through values, microseconds, defined within tags with the attribute docRept.
rPer Contains the period of look through values, the attribute "docRept".
mTime, mTimeU, mLev, mCat, mVal Defined inside tags with the attribute "docAMess" when parsing messages of the message archive:
mTime — time of the message, seconds;
mTimeU — time of the message, microseconds;
mLev — level of the message;
mCat — category of the message;
mVal — value of the message.
Special tags
Special attributes of the standard tags
body.docProcLang Language of the executable procedures of the document, by defaults it is "JavaLikeCalc.JavaScript".
*.docRept="1s" Tag with the specified attribute multiplies, during the formation, by shifting the time in the attribute "rTime" to the value specified in this attribute.
*.docAMess="1:PLC*" Indicates the need for multiplication a tag with the attribute, by messages from the message archive for the specified time interval, according to the level "1" and the query template "PLC*", by the message category. In the query template, regular expressions can be specified "/{re}/". For this tag, in the process of multiplication, the following attributes are defined: mTime, mTimeU, mLev, mCat and mVal.
*.docAMessArchs="ArchMod0.Archivator0[;ArchModN.ArchivatorN]" Appends the attribute "*.docAMess" by the list of archivers for reading messages.
*.docRevers="1" Indicates the inverting of the multiplication order — the last one above.
*.docAppend="1" Indication of the need to add the result of the procedure to the procedure tag. Otherwise, the result will replace the tag content.
body.docTime Time of formation of the document. Used to set the attribute lTime in the time of the next formation of the document. It is not set by the user!
table.export="1" Enable the ability to export the contents of the specified table to a CSV-file or other spreadsheet formats.

3.9.8 Container (Box)

The container primitive is used to build composite widgets and/or the pages of the user interface.

Table. List of additional properties/attributes of the primitive "Container (Box)"

Identifier Name Number Value
pgOpenSrc Page: source of the opening 3 Full address of the page, included inside of the container.
pgGrp Page: group 4 Group of the container of the included pages. Only pages in such group will be included to that box as a container.
backColor Background: color 20 Background color. Color name in the view "{color}[-{alpha}]", where:
  • "color" — standard color name or its numeric representation of three hexadecimal numbers of individual colors "#RRGGBB";
  • "alpha" — level of the alpha [0...255], where 0 — completely transparent.


  • "red" — solid red color;
  • "#FF0000" — solid red color by the digital code;
  • "red-127" — half transparent red color.
backImg Background: image 21 Background image. The image name in the view "[{src}:]{name}", where:
  • "src" — source of the image:
    • file — directly from the local file by the path;
    • res — from the resources table of DB.
  • "name" — file path or identifier of the resource.


  • "res:backLogo" — from the resources table of DB for the identifier "backLogo";
  • "backLogo" — like toe the previous;
  • "file:/var/tmp/backLogo.png" — from local file by the path "/var/tmp/backLogo.png".
bordWidth Border: width 22 Border width.
bordColor Border: color 23 Border color (details in attribute 20).
bordStyle Border: style 24 Border style: "None", "Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid", "Double", "Groove", "Ridge", "Inset", "Outset".

3.10 Database using to store libraries of widgets and projects

Storing data widgets, widget libraries and projects is implemented in DB, accessible by OpenSCADA. The database is organized according to the data belonging to the library-project. That is, a separate library-project is stored in a separate group of database tables. The list of widget libraries is stored in the index table of libraries called "VCALibs" and the "Libs" structure, and the list of projects in the index table "VCAPrjs" and the structure "Projs". An instance of these tables is created in each database where the data of this module is stored. The tables belonging to the widget library and the project include the following:

At.png {DB_TBL} is currently formed in the way "wlb_{ID}" for libraries and "prj_{ID}" for the projects, and the separate field DB_TBL of the tables "Libs", "Projs" is deprecated and will be removed in the OpenSCADA 1.0 release!

Projections (structures) of basic tables are as follows:

ID — identifier;
NAME — name;
DSCR — description;
DB_TBL (DEPRECATED) — root of the tables of DB with the widgets;
ICO — encoded (Base64) image of the icon of the library.
ID — identifier;
ICO — encoded (Base64) image of the icon of the widget.
PARENT — address of the basic widget, in the view /wlb_originals/wdg_Box;
PROC — internal procedure and procedure language of the widget;
PROC_PER — period of the computation of the widget procedure;
ATTRS — list of attributes of the widget, modified by the user.
TIMESTAMP — time-stamp of the last modification.
IDW — identifier of the widget;
ID — identifier of the attribute;
IDC — child widget identifier;
IO_VAL — value of the attribute;
SELF_FLG — internal flags of the attribute;
CFG_TMPL — template of the configuration element based on this attribute;
CFG_VAL — value of the configuration element (link, constant ...).
IDW — identifier of the widget;
ID — identifier of the attribute;
IDC — child widget identifier;
NAME — name of the attribute;
IO_TP — type and main flags of the attribute;
IO_VAL — value of the attribute;
SELF_FLG — internal flags of the attribute;
CFG_TMPL — template of the configuration element based on this attribute;
CFG_VAL — value of the configuration element (link, constant ...).
IDW — identifier of the widget;
ID — identifier of the included widget instance;
PARENT — address of the basic widget, in the view /wlb_originals/wdg_Box;
ATTRS — list of attributes of the widget, modified by the user.
ID — identifier of the resource.
MIME — MIME of the resource, in the format — "{MIME};{Size}".
DATA — resource data, encoded with Base64.
ID — identifier of the project;
NAME — name of the project;
DSCR — description of the project;
DB_TBL (DEPRECATED) — root of the tables of DB with the pages;
ICO — encoded (Base64) image of the icon of the project;
USER — owner of the project;
GRP — users group of the project;
PERMIT — rights of access to the project;
PER — period of the project computation;
FLGS — flags of the project;
STYLE — typical style of the project.
OWNER — project-page — owner of the page, in the format — "/AGLKS/so/1/gcadr";
ID — identifier of the page;
ICO — encoded (Base64) image of the icon of the page;
PARENT — address of the basic widget of the page, in the format /wlb_originals/wdg_Box;
PROC — internal procedure and procedure language of the page;
PROC_PER — period of the computation of the widget procedure;
FLGS — flags of the page;
ATTRS — list of attributes of the widget, modified by the user;
TIMESTAMP — time-stamp of the last modification.
IDS — identifier of the style;
ID — identifier of the style's field;
VAL — value of the style field.
ID — identifier of the style's field;
V_{N} — value of the style's field for the style N.
IDW — full path of the project element;
ID — attribute of the element;
IO_VAL — value of the element.

3.11 API of the user programming

API of the user programming of the visualization engine are represented directly by the OpenSCADA objects, which form the user interface, that is by the "Session" and "Widgets-pages". For the user, these objects provide a set of control functions:

User object model of the module VCAEngine.

Object "Session" ( this.ownerSess() )

Object "Widget" (this)

//Adds the new widget, based at the text primitive
nw = this.wdgAdd("nw", "New widget", "/wlb_originals/wdg_Text");
nw.attrSet("geomX", 50).attrSet("geomY", 50);
//Sets the link to the parameter for the eight trend
this.linkSet("", "prm:/LogicLev/experiment/Pi", true);

Object "Widget" of the primitive "Document" (this)

Deprecated, but supported, the API is represented by a group of functions directly in the module of the VCA engine. Calling these functions from the widget procedure can be done directly by the identifier, since their namespace is defined in the context of the widget procedures.

Widgets list (WdgList)
Description: Returns a list of the widgets, in the widgets container, or the child list. If set pg then returns the pages list for projects and sessions.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
list List String Return
addr Address String Input
pg Pages Boolean Input 0

Node presence (NodePresent)
Description: Checking for the node presence, including widgets, attributes and other.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
rez Result Boolean Return
addr Address String Input

Attributes list (AttrList)
Description: Returns an attributes list of the widget. If set noUser then returns only not user attributes.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
list List String Return
addr Address String Input
noUser Not user Boolean Input 1

Get the attribute (AttrGet)
Description: Getting value of the widget attribute. The request can be done as by indicating the full address of the attribute in addr, and by: indicating separately the address of the widget in addr and the the attribute identifier in the attr.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
val Value String Return
addr Address String Input
attr Attribute Boolean Input

Set the attribute (AttrSet)
Description: Setting value of the widget attribute. Setting can be done as by indicating the full address of the attribute in addr, and by: indicating separately the address of the widget in addr and the the attribute identifier in the attr.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
addr Address String Input
val Value String Input
attr Attribute Boolean Input

Session user (SesUser)
Description: Returns the session user by the session widget path.

Identifier Name Type Mode By default
user User String Return
addr Address String Input

3.12 Service commands-functions of the Control Interface

Service functions are an interface for accessing OpenSCADA from external systems through the Control Interface. This mechanism is the basis of all exchange within OpenSCADA, implemented through weak links and OpenSCADA's own exchange protocol.

The common widgets

Getting for values of specified or all visual attributes of the widget
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr">{attributes}</get>
  • wAddr — the widget local address, like to "/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • attributes — the only requested attributes in the tags "el" with only one attribute of the identifier "id"; there can be no the attribute tags for requesting all available ones.
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr" rez="0">{attributes}</get>
  • attributes — processed attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}" act="{active}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • pos — position-index of the attribute for the standard ones;
    • active — activity state of the attribute, only at the direct requesting;
    • value — value of the attribute.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1/%2fserv%2fattr" rez="0" user="roman">
  <el id="id">ElFigure1</el>
  <el id="path">/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1</el>
  <el id="parent">/wlb_originals/wdg_ElFigure</el>
  <el id="owner">root:UI</el>
  <el id="perm">948</el>
  <el id="root" p="1">ElFigure</el>
  <el id="name" />
  <el id="dscr" />
Setting for group values of the specified widget attributes
REQ[root-UI]: <set path="/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr">{attributes}</set>
  • wAddr — the widget local address in the module, like to "/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • attributes — attributes with values in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • value — setting value of the attribute.
<set path="/UI/VCAEngine/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1/%2fserv%2fattr">
  <el id="name">New name</el>
  <el id="dscr">New description</el>
Getting for values of the visual attributes of the widget branch, optimised for the networks
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" />
  • wAddr — the widget local address in the module, like to "/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1".
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" rez="0">{attributes} {widgets}</get>
  • attributes — processed attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • pos — position-index of the attribute for the standard ones;
    • value — value of the attribute.
  • widgets — child widgets in the tags "w": <w id="{ID}" lnkPath="{lnkPath}">{attributes} {widgets}</w>
    • ID — identifier of the widget;
    • lnkPath — path to the linked widget for child widgets of the widget libraries.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/%2fserv%2fattrBr" rez="0" user="roman">
  <el id="id">CM101</el>
  <el id="path">/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101</el>
  <el id="parent">/wlb_originals/wdg_Box</el>
  <el id="owner">root:UI</el>
  <el id="perm">948</el>
  <el id="root" p="1">Box</el>
  <el id="name">CM101</el>
  <w id="AT101_1" lnkPath="/wlb_mnEls/wdg_cooler">
    <el id="id">AT101_1</el>
    <el id="path">/wlb_AGLKS/wdg_CM101/wdg_AT101_1</el>
    <el id="parent">/wlb_mnEls/wdg_cooler</el>
    <el id="owner">root:UI</el>
    <el id="perm">948</el>
    <el id="root" p="1">ElFigure</el>
    <el id="name">АТ101 1</el>

The widget libraries

Obtaining the widget libraries' tree, optimised for the networks
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fwlbBr" item="{item}" disIconsW="{disIconsW}" disIconsCW="{disIconsCW}" />
  • item — the library item for obtaining, as the path "wlb_{WLib}[/wdg_{Wdg}[/wdg_{ChildWdg}]]", for empty there will be obtained all the tree;
  • disIconsW — disable for obtaining the icon data of the widgets [0|1];
  • disIconsCW — disable for obtaining the icon data of the child widgets [0|1].
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fwlbBr" item="{item}" disIconsW="{disIconsW}" disIconsCW="{disIconsCW}" rez="0">{wlibs}</get>
  • wlibs — the widget libraries in the "wlb" tags: <wlb id="{ID}" doc="{doc}">{name} {icon} {widgets}</wlb>
    • icon — the "icon" tag with the Base64 encoded data of the icon;
    • widgets — the "w" tags with the library widgets description: <w id="{ID}" doc="{doc}" parent="{parent}">{name} {icon} {widgets}</w>
      • parent — address of the widget parent;
      • widgets — the "сw" tags with the child widgets description: <cw id="{ID}" doc="{doc}">{name} {icon}</cw>
<get disIconsCW="1" disIconsW="1" item="/wlb_AGLKS" path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fwlbBr" rez="0" user="roman">
  <wlb id="AGLKS">AGLKS
    <w id="CM101" parent="/wlb_originals/wdg_Box">CM101
      <cw id="AT101_1">АТ101 1</cw>
      <cw id="AT101_2">АТ101 1</cw>
      <cw id="C101_1">C101/1</cw>
      <cw id="C101_2">C101/1</cw>
      <cw id="C101_3">C101/1</cw>
      <cw id="CM101">CM101</cw>
      <cw id="CM101_1">CM101_1</cw>
      <cw id="CM101_2">CM101_2</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure1">ElFigure1</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure2">ElFigure2</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure3">ElFigure3</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure4">ElFigure4</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure5">ElFigure5</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure6">ElFigure6</cw>
      <cw id="ElFigure7">ElFigure7</cw>
    <w id="KCH_MN1" parent="/wlb_originals/wdg_Box">KCH_MN1
      <cw id="BC1">Ball crane</cw>
      <cw id="BC2">Ball crane</cw>
      <cw id="BC21">Ball crane</cw>
      <cw id="BC22">Ball crane</cw>
    <w id="comprEn" parent="/wlb_originals/wdg_ElFigure">Compressor run</w>

The VCA projects

Obtaining the project list expanded by some options
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/[%2fbr%2fprj_|%2fprm%2fcfg%2fprj]" chkUserPerm="{chkUserPerm}" getChPgN="{getChPgN}" noName="{noName}" />
  • chkUserPerm — checking for the user permition before listing [0|1];
  • getChPgN — requesting for quantity of the child pages in the projects [0|1];
  • noName — do not return for names of the pages [0|1].
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/[%2fbr%2fprj_|%2fprm%2fcfg%2fprj]" chkUserPerm="{chkUserPerm}" getChPgN="{getChPgN}" noName="{noName}" rez="0">{projects}</get>
  • projects — projects list in the tags "el", where the name is in the tag text and the identifier in the attribute "id". Expanded by the extra attributes:
    • "chPgN" — quantity of the child pages in the project at setting "getChPgN".
<get getChPgN="1" path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fbr%2fprj_" rez="0" user="roman">
  <el chPgN="2" id="AGLKS">AGLKS</el>
  <el chPgN="2" id="archBrowser">Archives browser</el>
  <el chPgN="2" id="tmplSO">Signal groups (template)</el>
Checking for read access to the project from the user of the request
REQ: <read path="/UI/VCAEngine/prj_{proj}/%2fserv%2faccess" />
  • proj — identifier of the project.
RESP: <read path="/UI/VCAEngine/prj_{proj}/%2fserv%2faccess" rez="0">{access}</get>
  • access — the access presence status [0|1].


<read path="/UI/VCAEngine/prj_AGLKS/%2fserv%2faccess" rez="0" user="roman">1</read>

<translate> The project sessions

Obtaining the session list expanded by some options
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/[%2fbr%2fses_|%2fses%2fses]" chkUserPerm="{chkUserPerm}" onlyMy="{onlyMy}" />
  • chkUserPerm — checking for the user permition before listing [0|1];
  • onlyMy — listening only my own sessions [0|1].
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/[%2fbr%2fses_|%2fses%2fses]" chkUserPerm="{chkUserPerm}" onlyMy="{onlyMy}" rez="0">{sessions}</get>
  • sessions — sessions list in the tags "el", where the identifier is in the tag text. Expanded by the extra attributes:
    • "user" — user of the session;
    • "proj" — project of the session.


<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fses%2fses" rez="0" onlyMy="1" user="roman">
  <el user="roman" proj="AGLKS">AGLKS</el>
  <el user="roman" proj="AGLKS">AGLKS0</el>


Obtaining the sessions list of the specified VCA project
REQ: <list path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="{project}" />
  • project — identifier of the requested project.
RESP: <list path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="{project}" rez="0">{sessions}</list>
  • sessions — sessions in the "el" tags.
<list path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="AGLKS" rez="0" user="roman">
Connection to the specified VCA project or the project session
REQ: <connect path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="{project}" sess="{session}" userChange="{userChange}" onlyMy="{onlyMy}" />
  • project — identifier of the requested project, empty for connection to the available session;
  • session — identifier of the already present session, empty at a new session creation;
  • onlyMy — sign of connection-reconnection to the session only when it is my;
  • userChange — sign of the user changing [0|1] of the session, that is updation the user information.
RESP: <connect path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="{project}" sess="{session}" userChange="{userChange}" onlyMy="{onlyMy}" rez="0" conId="{conId}" userIsRoot="{userIsRoot}" />
  • conId — the session connection identifier, used in next requests;
  • project — the project identifier of the successfully connected session;
  • session — identifier of the new created session of the successfully connected project;
  • userIsRoot — the user has the root permition [0|1].


<connect conId="50860885" path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" prj="AGLKS" rez="0" sess="AGLKS" user="roman" userIsRoot="1" />


Disconnection the specified VCA project session
Sessions with zero connections are closed here also.
REQ: <disconnect path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" sess="{session}" conId="{conId}" />
  • session — identifier of the present session;
  • conId — the session connection identifier.
<disconnect path="/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fsess" sess="AGLKS" conId="50860885" />
Getting for the opened pages list of the project session
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <openlist path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2fpg" conId="{conId}" tm="{clock}" />
  • owner, grp — reading access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • session — identifier of the session;
  • conId — the session connection identifier;
  • clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value from the previous processed request, for checking of the changed ones.
RESP: <openlist path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2fpg" conId="{conId}" tm="{clock}" rez="0">{pages}</openlist>
  • clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value - 1 at the request time;
  • pages — pages in the tags "pg": <pg pgGrp="{pgGrp}" updWdg="{nUpdWdgs}">{ID}</pg>
    • ID — identifier of the page;
    • pgGrp — the pages group for early calculation the page including;
    • nUpdWdgs — quantity of the updated widgets after the last request and for not empty "clock".


<openlist conId="52760577" path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/%2fserv%2fpg" rez="0" tm="1403" user="roman">
  <pg pgGrp="so">/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_1</pg>
  <pg pgGrp="cntr">/ses_AGLKS/pg_control/pg_ElCadr</pg>


Opening or closing for the specified page of the project session
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <[open|close] path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2fpg" pg="{page}" />
  • owner, grp — writing access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • session — identifier of the session;
  • page — address of the page in the session context, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_1/pg_mn/pg_1".
Getting for the alarm status and the notification resource of the project session
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2falarm" mode="{mode}" tp="{typeNtf}" wdg="{widget}" />
  • owner, grp — reading access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • session — identifier of the session;
  • mode — the requesting mode, only "resource" for obtaining the notification resources and empty for the status only;
  • typeNtf — the notification type of obtaining the notification resource, see the alarming section;
  • widget — address of the widget for forming the notification resource, empty for global.
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2falarm" mode="{mode}" tp="{typeNtf}" rez="0" alarmSt="{alarmSt}" tm="{clock}" wdg="{widget}" resTp="{resTp}" mess="{message}" lang="{language}">{resource}</get>
  • alarmSt — the alarm status as that described in the alarming section;
  • clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value at the notification resource form;
  • widget — address of the source widget at the notification resource form;
  • message — message of notification from the text;
  • language — language of the notification, for the "message" mostly;
  • resTp — type of the notification resource;
  • resource — resource of the notification encoded by Base64 for the binary data.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/%2fserv%2falarm" mode="resource" tp="1" rez="0" user="roman"
     alarmSt="460554" tm="0" resTp="audio/ogg;73.3428" lang="en_US.UTF-8">
Quietance of the alarm notification of the project session
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <quietance path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{session}/%2fserv%2falarm" wdg="{widget}" tmpl="{template}" ret="{return}" />
  • owner, grp — reading access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • session — identifier of the session;
  • widget — address of the widget for quietance the notification, empty for global;
  • template — template of the quietance, that is bitset corresponding to the quieting notification types;
  • return — sign of the notification return, that is the quietance disabling.
<quietance path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/%2fserv%2falarm" tmpl="7" />
Getting for values of the modified visual attributes of the session widget
Redefines the common service request of the widgets "<get path='/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr' />" for the session specific.
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr" tm="{clock}" />
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value from the previous processed request, for checking of the changed ones; at zero value there force appended the service-virtual attributes: "perm", "name".
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr" tm="{clock}" rez="0">{attributes}</get>
  • attributes — modified from "clock" attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • pos — position-index of the attribute for the standard ones;
    • value — value of the attribute.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1/%2fserv%2fattr" rez="0" tm="0" user="roman">
  <el id="perm" p="-3">6</el>
  <el id="root" p="1">ElFigure</el>
  <el id="en" p="5">1</el>
  <el id="active" p="6">0</el>
  <el id="geomX" p="7">488</el>
  <el id="geomY" p="8">250</el>
  <el id="geomW" p="9">16</el>
  <el id="geomH" p="10">100</el>
  <el id="geomXsc" p="13">1</el>
  <el id="geomYsc" p="14">0.75</el>
  <el id="geomZ" p="11">-9</el>
Setting for group values of the specified attributes of the session widget
Redefines the common service request of the widgets "<set path='/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr' />" for the session specific like to the "event" attribute processing and detection the user activity-inactivity.
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <set path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr" noUser="{noUser}">{attributes}</set>
  • owner, grp — writing access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • noUser — don't mark that as a user activity;
  • attributes — attributes with values in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • value — setting value of the attribute.
<set path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1/%2fserv%2fattr">
  <el id="name">New name</el>
  <el id="dscr">New description</el>
Activating the attribute for using as the visual one and creating that at missing
REQ: <activate path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr%2f{aID}" aNm="{aName}" aTp="{aType}" aFlg="{aFlags}" aVls="{aValues}" aNms="{aNames}">{aDef}</activate>
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • aID — identifier of the attribute;
  • aName — name of the attribute at it creation;
  • aType — type of the attribute at it creation, see to the object TFld;
  • aFlags — flags of the attribute at it creation, see to the object TFld;
  • aDef — default value of the attribute at it creation;
  • aValues — the attribute values for the selective types at it creation;
  • aNames — names to values of the attribute for the selective types at it creation.
<activate path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/%2fserv%2fattr%2frunWin" aNm="Run window" aTp="1" aFlg="1" aVls="0;1;2" aNms="Original size;Maximize;Full screen">0</activate>
Getting for values of the visual attributes of the widget branch of the session, optimised for the networks
Redefines the common service request of the widgets "<get path='/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr' />" for the session specific.
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" tm="{clock}" FullTree="{FullTree}" />
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value from the previous processed request, for checking of the changed ones; at zero value there force appended the service-virtual attributes: "perm", "name";
  • fullTree — obtaining the full widgets tree independent from presence the changes, without the attributes.
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" tm="{clock}" FullTree="{FullTree}" rez="0">{attributes} {widgets}</get>
  • attributes — processed attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}">{value}</el>
    • ID — identifier of the attribute;
    • pos — position-index of the attribute for the standard ones;
    • value — value of the attribute.
  • widgets — child widgets in the tags "w": <w id="{ID}">{attributes} {widgets}</w>
    • ID — identifier of the widget.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/%2fserv%2fattrBr" rez="0" tm="0" user="roman">
  <el id="name" p="-4">CM101</el>
  <el id="perm" p="-3">6</el>
  <el id="root" p="1">Box</el>
  <el id="en" p="5">1</el>
  <el id="active" p="6">0</el>
  <el id="geomX" p="7">0</el>
  <el id="geomY" p="8">0</el>
  <el id="geomW" p="9">900</el>
  <el id="geomH" p="10">580</el>
  <w id="AT101_1">
    <el id="perm" p="-3">6</el>
    <el id="root" p="1">ElFigure</el>
    <el id="en" p="5">1</el>
    <el id="active" p="6">0</el>
    <el id="geomX" p="7">338</el>
    <el id="geomY" p="8">320</el>
    <el id="geomW" p="9">80</el>
    <el id="geomH" p="10">100</el>
Getting for value of the session specific attribute of the session widget
REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrSess%2f{aID}" />
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • aID — identifier of the session specific attribute.
RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrSess%2f{aID}" rez="0">{value}</get>
  • value — value of the attribute.
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/%2fserv%2fattrSess%2ftestA" rez="0" user="roman">test val</get>
Setting for value of the session specific attribute of the session widget
REQ[{owner}-{grp}]: <set path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrSess%2f{aID}">{value}</get>
  • owner, grp — writing access for the project owner or a user in group and regarding to the project permissions;
  • wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
  • aID — identifier of the session specific attribute;
  • value — value of the attribute.
<set path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/%2fserv%2fattrSess%2ftestA">test val</set>

4 Configuring the module via the control interface of OpenSCADA

Through the control interface of OpenSCADA, components that use it, can be configured from any configurator OpenSCADA. This module provides an interface to access all the data object of the VCA. Main tab of the configuration page of the module provides access to widgets libraries and projects (Fig.4.1). The tab "Sessions" provides access to opened sessions of the projects (Fig.4.2).

Fig.4.1. Main configuration page of the module.
Fig.4.2. Tab "Sessions" of the configuration page of the module.

In addition to the list of opened sessions, the tab in Figure 4.2 contains a table with a list of sessions that must be created and started up at the boot time of OpenSCADA. Creation of sessions through this tool can be useful for Web-based interface. In this case, when connecting, Web-user data is ready and ensures the continuity of the formation of archival documents.

Configuration of the container widgets in the face of libraries and widget projects is done through pages in Figure 4.3 (for project) and Figure 4.5 (for widgets library). The widgets library contains the widgets, and project — the pages. Both types contain a tab of configuration resources used by widgets (Fig.4.6). The project page also contains the tab "Diagnostics" (Fig.4.4) for debugging and monitoring the execution of pages in sessions.

Fig.4.3. Configuration page of the projects.

From this page you can set:

At.png The object still supports of specifying the spare storage addresses with tables before you rename the table in the standard form "prj_{ObjID}".
Fig.4.4. Tab "Diagnostics" of the projects.

From this tab you can select time (or refresh to current) and size to obtain the diagnostic messages of the sessions of running this project.

Fig.4.5. Configuration page of the widgets libraries.

From this page you can set:

At.png The object still supports of specifying the spare storage addresses with tables before you rename the table in the standard form "wlb_{ObjID}".
Fig.4.6. Configuration tab of resources of the container.

Configuration of the project's session differs significantly from configuration of the project (Fig.4.7), but also contains pages of the project.

Fig.4.7. Configuration page of the projects sessions.

From this page you can set:

Configuration pages of the visual elements, placed in different containers, may be very different, but this difference is the presence or absence of individual tabs. Main tab of the visual elements in fact is the same everywhere, differing in one configuration field and three into the session (Fig.4.8). The pages contains the tabs of the child pages and included widgets. The container widgets contains the tab of the included widgets. All visual elements contain attributes tab (Fig.4.9), except the logical containers of the projects. Elements, at the level of which it is possible to build the user procedure and to determine the links, contain the tab "Processing" (Fig.4.10) and "Links" (Fig.4.11). At.png The attribute name's rows in the "Processing" tab after the first one treat as help.

Fig.4.8. Main tab of configuration of the visual elements.

From this page you can obtain:

Fig.4.9. Tab of the attributes of the visual elements.
Fig.4.10. Tab of processing of the visual elements.
Fig.4.11. Tab of links of the visual elements.
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