Название | Версия | Лицензия | Источник | Языки | Автор | Описание |
Библиотека промышленных устройств | 2.5 | GPLv2 | OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_DevLib | en, uk, ru | Роман Савоченко Константин (IrmIngeneer) (2018), Арсен Закоян (2017), Руслан Ярмолюк (2017) |
Библиотека шаблонов предоставления доступа к данным промышленных устройств через сеть с довольно простыми протоколами, вроде устройств общей промышленной автоматики и счётчиков различных ресурсов.
Библиотека устройств пользовательских протоколов создана для предоставления доступа к данным промышленных устройств через сеть с довольно простым протоколом, вроде устройств общепромышленной автоматики и счётчиков различных ресурсов, с протоколом достаточно простым для реализации в модуле пользовательского протокола, с использованием присутствующих комплексных протоколов (ModBus, OPC_UA, HTTP) или непосредственно на внутреннем языке подобном на Java.
Названия элементов и их параметров доступны на языках: Английский, Украинский и Российский. Их исходный код написан в языко(человеческий)-независимом режиме с вызовом функции перевода tr() и перевод этих сообщений также доступен Английским, Украинским и Российским.
Для подключения библиотеки к проекту станции OpenSCADA Вы можете получить файл БД как:
$ wget http://oscada.org/svn/trunk/OpenSCADA/data/LibsDB/OscadaLibs.sql $ sqlite3 -init OscadaLibs.sql OscadaLibs.db .exit
Этот полученный файл вы далее можете разместить в каталоге проекта станции и создать объект базы данных модуля БД "SQLite", зарегистрировав файл базы данных в конфигурации.
Для DAQ-шаблонов, в целом, вам нужно создать представительский объект устройства в модуле Логического Уровня и выбрать соответствующий шаблон из библиотеки шаблонов. Далее, для корректной конфигурации, придерживайтесь специфики шаблона в персональном описании. Концепцию доступа к данным через пользовательский протокол можно изобразить как на рисунке 1.
Как можно видеть с рисунка 1, взаимодействие с устройством происходит через некоторый транспорт на котором они физически базируются. Запрос к транспорту Вы можете отправить:
Прямая работа с выходным транспортом функции string messIO( string mess, real timeOut = 0 ); не предусматривает блокирования транспорта поза вызовом этой функции, а соответственно, для сложных протоколов с посылками ответа более чем в одном пакете, что предусматривает процесс "дожидания", не можно использовать общий транспорт, по которому возможна отправка пакетов различных протоколов или даже один, но в различных задачах (объектах контроллеров). Соответственно, если есть необходимость использования совместного транспорта, то размещайте параметры опроса по протоколу в одном объекте контроллера (задаче) или используйте модуль пользовательского протокола, к которому это замечание не имеет отношения, поскольку он осуществляет такое блокирование на время вызова процедуры обработки, как и остальные модульные протоколы OpenSCADA.
Для размещения реализации протокола тут вы должны выполнить и придерживаться приведенных требований:
1.1 ModBus scanner (ModBusScan) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
ModBus scanner for Coils (1), Input Coils (2), Registers (3), Input Registers (4); in the range [0...65535]. The template useful to examine unknown ModBus devices, scanning their Coils' and Registers' map for detecting the available data addresses. The scanning performs per one item, whether it is a coil or a register, to prevent the data unavailability for strict data accessing devices. The protocol ModBus itself implemented by the OpenSCADA module DAQ.ModBus, together which the template designed to use.
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
lim | Limit time, seconds | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
type | Type | Integer numbers selection | Input | Full access | Variable | 2 0;1;2;3 |
begin | Begin (0...65535) | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
end | End (0...65536) | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
res | Result | Text | Output | Read only | Variable | |
this | The object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
1.2 ModBus base (mbBase) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * | en,uk,ru | Roman Savochenko |
ModBus base template of the protocol implementing on the Logical Level. Designed mostly to use in the base of creation specific ModBus-based protocols for the standard-part registers' access (function 3 for reading and function 16 for writing) and appending the new protocol specific part. The template was designed to work both under control of the controller objects of the module ModBus and LogicLev and can be managed from the template of the initiative connections processing for assigned output transports.
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Sockets.mbbase |
addr | Device address, [0...247] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
mbType | ASCII|TCP] | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | RTU |
maxBlkSz | ModBus maximum block size, [10...200] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 200 |
fragMerge | ModBus blocks merging | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
items | i|u2|i2|u4|i4|r|s]:{addr}:{w|r|~}:{id}:{nm}" | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
tr | Output transport | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_frq | Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
Configuring and using
1.3 DCON Protocol + Input AI (DCON_Prt) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en | |
1.4 DCON Protocol + Input AO (DCON_Prt_AO) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en | |
1.5 DCON Protocol + Input DI (DCON_Prt_DI) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en | |
1.6 DCON Protocol + Input DO (DCON_Prt_DO) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en | Roman Savochenko |
Input and output parts of the protocol DCON implementation with the input part designed for typical AI, DI, AO, DO modules at up to 20, 32, 8, 32 channels. The protocol DCON client part also implemented by the OpenSCADA module DAQ.DCON.
INPUT USER PROTOCOL'S PART — full-featured implementation of typical DAQ modules suitable to multiple using on one bus and multiple using of the templates.
Configuring and using
OUTPUT USER PROTOCOL'S XML REQUEST STRUCTURE — <ReqSymb addr="{toAddr}" err="{err}" CRC="{CRC}">{req}</ReqSymb>
Configuring and using
req = SYS.XMLNode("#"); req.setAttr("ProtIt","DCON").setAttr("addr","5"); SYS.Transport.Serial.out_DCON.messIO(req, "UserProtocol"); data = req.attr("err").toInt() ? "" : req.text();
1.7 Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) |
0.8 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) is a set of communications protocols used between components in process automation systems. Its main use is in utilities such as electric and water companies. Usage in other industries is not common. It was developed for communications between various types of data acquisition and control equipment. Competing standards include the older Modbus protocol and the newer IEC 61850 protocol and IEC 61870.
The template implements currently for the client, which uses the followed functions: Confirm (0x00), Read (0x01), Write (0x02), Enable (0x14) and Disable (0x15) Spontaneous Messages.
And which implements and tested for the followed point-oriented objects (data types):
Considering the purpose and the application area, the protocol does not provide the direct determination of the requested data and the device, that implements it, provides all available ones upon request for the Class 0 data, after which only changes are requested for the Classes 1, 2, 3.
All received and controlled data is accumulated in an object of the attribute "items" for further control as an object in a table of the widget "Main.objProps", according to the complex object definition.
For standard control over parameter attributes, including archiving, it is possible to define the necessary data to create a separate representative attribute for them, which is described in the attribute "itemsSet", where they can be defined individually, with a semantic identifier and name, or in a range named by a template. The data in the attribute "itemsSet" is defined by records in the format ai|ao|cnt|di|do:{pnt}[-{endPnt}][:a[:{NameBase}]], where:
Examples of the parameters definition, rows of the attribute "itemsSet":
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Sockets.out_DNP3 |
dest | Destination [0...65520] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
src | Source [0...65520] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
tmRetr | Retry connection time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
tmPoolEv | Poll events time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
tmPoolAll | Poll all time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 60 |
itemsSet | ao|cnt|di|do:{pnt}[-{endPnt}][:a[:{NameBase}]]" | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
items | All items | Object | Output | Full access | Variable | |
tr | Output transport | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
ctx | IO context | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
oAVals | Output values | Object | Output | Not attribute | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_frq | Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
Configuring and using
1.8 IEC-60870 (IEC60870) |
1.4 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
IEC 60870 part 5 is one from the IEC 60870 set of standards which defines systems used for telecontrol (supervisory control and data acquisition) in electrical engineering and power system automation applications. Part 5 provides a communication profile for sending basic telecontrol messages between two systems, which uses permanent directly connected data circuits between the systems.
Considering the purpose and the application area, the protocol does not provide the direct determination of the requested data and the device, that implements it, provides all available ones upon request by the C_IC_NA_1 command, after which only changes are sent.
All received and controlled data is accumulated in an object of the attribute "items" for further control as an object in a table of the widget "Main.objProps", according to the complex object definition.
For standard control over parameter attributes, including archiving, it is possible to define the necessary data to create a separate representative attribute for them, which is described in the attribute "itemsSet", where they can be defined individually, with a semantic identifier and name, or in a range named by a template. The data in the attribute "itemsSet" is defined by records in the format ai|di|do:{IOA}[-{EndIOA}][:a[:{NameBase}]], where:
Examples of the parameters definition, rows of the attribute "itemsSet":
The module provides integrated support for time synchronisation of PLC by sending the C_CS_NA_1 service command.
In the template for the first time used the not requesting mode of an output transport and the attributes creation in free while performing.
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Sockets.out_IEC60870 |
addr | Address, {addr}.{OA} | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0.5 |
tmRetr | Retry connection time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
tmPoolAll | Poll all time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 60 |
t1 | Acknowledge lack activity timeout, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1.5 |
t2 | Acknowledge timeout, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
t3 | Test timeout, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 2 |
k | Maximum unconfirmed | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 12 |
w | Maximum no ack | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 8 |
itemsSet | Items set by: "ai|di|do:{IOA}[-{EndIOA}][:a[:{NameBase}]]" | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
items | All items | Object | Output | Full access | Variable | |
syncTimePLC | Sync PLC time | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
oAVals | Output values | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_frq | Frequency of calculation of the function (Hz) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
Configuring and using
1.9 IEC-62056 (IEC62056) |
1.1 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
IEC 62056 is a set of standards for electricity metering data exchange. The IEC 62056 standards are the international standard versions of the DLMS/COSEM specification.
DLMS or Device Language Message Specification (originally Distribution Line Message Specification), is the suite of standards developed and maintained by the DLMS User Association (DLMS UA) and has been adopted by the IEC TC13 WG14 into the IEC 62056 series of standards.
COSEM or Companion Specification for Energy Metering, includes a set of specifications that defines the transport and application layers of the DLMS protocol. The DLMS User Association defines the protocols into a set of four specification documents namely Green Book, Yellow Book, Blue Book and White Book. The Blue Book describes the COSEM meter object model and the OBIS object identification system, the Green Book describes the architecture and protocols, the Yellow Book treats all the questions concerning conformance testing, the White Book contains the glossary of terms.
In the template implementation were used the follow standards:
This protocol doesn't specify a way of requesting-acquisition all available variables of the device, like to the protocols IEC-60870 and DNP3, so we need to point their directly and obtain their before that anywhere for the concrete device.
The template was initially implemented to work with the electricity counter Actaris SL7000, for which there were obtained follow useful requesting OBIS codes:
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.out_IEC62056 |
dest | Destination "{UHDLC}[:{LHDLC}]", [0...16383] | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 17:6168 |
src | Source [0...127] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
pass | Password the device | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | ABCDEFGH |
tmRetr | Retry connection time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
tmPollAll | Poll all time, seconds | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
itemsSet | Items set by: "{ClassId}-{OBIS}-{attr}" | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
items | All items | Object | Output | Full access | Variable | |
tr | Output transport | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
ctx | IO context | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_frq | Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
Configuring and using
1.10 OWEN (OWEN) |
0.8 | GPLv2 | * | en | Roman Savochenko, Constantine (IrmIngeneer) |
OWEN data sources implementation in the OWEN protocol. Implemented wholly in the template for the protocol requesting and for dynamic data model of the OWEN data sources' data with support of the writing and original names of the parameters.
The field "addr" of the items can be wrote positive, for the 8 bit address [0...255], and negative, for the 11 bit address[-2047...0].
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.out_owen |
items | Items set "{addr}:{func}:{f|i|u|s}:{r|w}[:{id}[:{nm}]]" | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.1 Elemer TM510x (TM510x) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Multi-channels thermometer Elemer TM5102 and TM5103 of the firm Elemer.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | tm510x |
addr | Device address (1...254) | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
devTp | Device type | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
errors | Errors | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in1 | Input 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in2 | Input 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in3 | Input 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in4 | Input 4 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in5 | Input 5 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in6 | Input 6 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in7 | Input 7 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
in8 | Input 8 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable |
Configuring and using
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Typical EDWARDS TURBOMOLECULAR PUMPS (http://edwardsvacuum.com) data acquisition by SCU750 Cotrol Unit protocol.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | SCU750 |
addr | Device address (-1...255) | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
perGet | Period data getting (s) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
version | Version | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
snCntrUnit | Serial number: Control Unit | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
snPump | Serial number: Pump | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
cntPumpHour | Pump hour counter (minutes) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
cntCntrUnitHour | Control unit hour counter (minutes) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
cntStart | Start counter | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
operMode | Pump Operation Mode | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
errors | Errors | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
events | Events | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
tTMS | TMS temperature (°С) | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
tMotor | Motor temperature (°С) | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
rotSpeed | Rotational speed (HZ) | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
comStart | Command: START | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
comStop | Command: STOP | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
comReset | Command: RESET | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
spSpeed | Set point: Speed | Integer | Input | Full access | Variable | |
spTMSt | Set point: TMS temperature | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
spSpeedPrev | Set point: Speed (previous) | Integer | Output | Not attribute | Variable | |
cnt | Counter | Integer | Output | Not attribute | Variable | |
operModes | Operation modes | Object | Output | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.3 Sycon Multi Drop Protocol (SMDP) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
STM devices for resonant frequency measurement for mass of deposited films attached to their surface by Sycon Instruments, Inc. (http://www.sycon.com).
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="16" try="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | SMDP |
addr | Device address (16...254) | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 16 |
perGet | Period data getting (s) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
version | Firmware Version | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
CfgPrmSSID | Configuration parameter session ID | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Srlno | Measurement serial number | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
RawFreq | Channel freq. | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
GoodFreq | Last used, good channel freq. (Hz) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
RawThick | Computed raw thickness, from frequency. (A) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalThick | Computed material related thickness, can be zeroed. (A) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalThick_F | Filtered computed material related thickness, can be zeroed. (A) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalRate | Rate, angstroms per second. | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalRate_F | Rate, angstroms per second, filtered. | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalLife | XtalLife (%) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalQual | Quality level (0-9). | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalQualPeak | Highest quality level seen (0-9). | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalStab | Stability level (0-9). | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalStabPeak | Highest stability level seen (0-9). | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalStat | Channel status. | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
XtalLife_C | XtalLife (%). | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
SessId | Session ID | Integer | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Fq | Xtal start freq. (Hz) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Fm | Xtal min freq. (Hz) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Density | Material density (gm/cc). | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Zratio | Material Z ratio. Not scaled or unitized. | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Tooling | 1.000 is 100 % tooling (unity). | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
RateReq | Requested rate (A/S). | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
QlvlTrip | Quality threshold, if non 0 and exceeded, xtal fail occurs. | Integer | Input | Full access | Variable | |
SlvlTrip | Stability threshold, if non 0 and exceeded, xtal fail occurs. | Integer | Input | Full access | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.4 Power supply for turbomolecular pumps (TMH) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Power supply for turbomolecular pumps of the firm SHIMADZU, model EI-R04M.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | TMP |
addr | Device address (-1...255) | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
perGet | Period data getting (s) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 10 |
modelID | Model ID | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
errors | Errors | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
rotSpeed | Rotational speed (HZ) | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
I | Current (A) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
axle1disb | Axle 1 disbalance | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
axle2disb | Axle 2 disbalance | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MP_X1 | MP X1 | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MP_Y1 | MP Y1 | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MP_X2 | MP X2 | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MP_Y2 | MP Y2 | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MP_Z | MP Z | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
operMode | Operation Mode | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
comStart | Command: START | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
comStop | Command: STOP | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
comReset | Command: RESET | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
operCntr | Operation Control Mode | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
comInteract | Interactive mode | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
comAutonom | Autonomous mode | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
cnt | Counter | Integer | Output | Not attribute | Variable | |
operModes | Operation modes | Object | Output | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.5 Temperature measurement IT-3 (IT3) |
1.2 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Temperature measurement IT-3 from OmskEtalon.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | IT3 |
addr | Device address | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
T | Temperature | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
H | Upper border | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable | |
L | Lower border | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable | |
relSt | Relay state | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.6 Power supply of beam-electrons evaporator (IVE-452HS-02) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Power supply of beam-electrons evaporator of "Plasma Tech" Ltd, from Moskov.
Output user protocol's XML request structure:
<mess addr="255" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Sockets.out_IVE |
addr | Device address | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 255 |
COIA | Output current level set-point | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
COUA | Output voltage level set-point | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
COPA | Output power level set-point | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
DIA | Output current | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DUA | Output voltage | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DPA | Output power | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DFA | Electric arcs frequency | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DAC | Electric arcs counter | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
COM_DEW | Command: Blocking by SC and XX | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
COM_OUT | Command: Display on UI out block's params | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
COM_DEP | Command: Enable MK | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
COM_DEL | Command: Blocks #1,2 to net | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
COM_UF | Command: Display on UI frequency and current | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
DKW | MUBR of the block overheated | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DKZ | Short circuits on the block out | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DK | MK of the block overheated | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DE | Power and voltage on out present | Boolean | Input | Read only | Variable |
Configuring and using
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
OPTRIS CT/CTL communication interface of "Optris" GmbH, from Berlin.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" cs="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.out_OPTRIS |
addr | Device address | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
Tproc | T process | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Thead | T head | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Tbox | T box | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Tact | T act. | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
eps | IR epsilon | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
trans | IR transmission | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
spIll | Spot illumination | Logical | Input | Full access | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.8 CTR 100, 101 (CTR) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
The RS232C Serial Interface permits the communication between the digital Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum CERAVAC, from Köln.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.out_CTR |
press | Pressure, Tor | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
zeroSet | Zero set | Logical | Input | Full access | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.9 Shark Slave Communication Protocol (SSCP) |
0.6 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Shark Slave Communication Protocol from EnergoCentrum PLUS, s.r.o.
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport of the Ethernet network, Sockets | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | SSCP |
addr | Address [0...255] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
user | User | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | admin |
pass | Password | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | rw |
maxDtFrm | Maximum data frame size | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 2048 |
listsDir | Folder of the list files | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | SSCP |
verPrt | Protocol version | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
maxDtFrmServ | Server's maximum data frame size | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
list | Variables selected for processing | Text | Input | Full access | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.10 Pulsar-M (pulsarM) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Pulsar-M counters protocol.
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.out_pulsar |
addr | Address [0...99999999] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 12345678 |
nChnl | Channels number | Integer | Input | Full access | Variable | 0 |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable |
Configuring and using
2.11 MTP 4D (MTP4D) |
1.1 | GPLv2 | * | en,uk,ru | Roman Savochenko |
The connection template of a simple vaccuumeter MTP 4D of the firm "Erstevak Ltd".
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Serial.MTP |
addr | Device address, [1...999] | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
type | Device type | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
P | Pressure | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
zeroP | Set zero | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
zeroAP | Set atmosphere | Boolean | Input | Full access | Variable | |
tr | Output transport | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_frq | Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
Configuring and using
3.1 Heat counter computer VKT7 (VKT7) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Roman Savochenko |
Firm "Teplocom" (http://www.teplocom.spb.ru) computer "VKT-7" for complex heat measurement and counting. The device complex enough to provide more parameters, more history and accessed by a nonlinear Serial-based protocol at low speed. The template implements acquisition for all significant parameters, gets for their history by hours, days and result months. Also you can to append easily enough for processing of the remained parameters.
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<mess addr="1" err="1:Error">{req}</mess>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
imit | Imitation drift % (0-disable) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
trAddr | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Transport.Serial.out_VKT7 |
arhH | Archiver: hours | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | |
arhD | Archiver: days | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | |
arhRes | Archiver: results-month | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | |
maxDayDepth | Archiver: maximum depth of reading for not hours archivers, days | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 366 |
lastResTm | Last result months read time (s) | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | 0 |
leftResTm | Left result months for read from archive | Integer | Output | Read only | Variable | |
lastDTm | Last days read time (s) | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | 0 |
leftDTm | Left days for read from archive | Integer | Output | Read only | Variable | |
lastHTm | Last hours read time (s) | Integer | Output | Full access | Variable | |
leftHTm | Left hours for read from archive | Integer | Output | Read only | Variable | |
diffTm | Difference time (server-counter), hours | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
firmVer | Firmware version | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
abonId | Subscriber ID | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
repDay | Report day | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
netNum | Network number | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
modelImpl | Model implementation | Integer | Input | Read only | Variable | |
tTypeM | t: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
GTypeM | G: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
VTypeM | V: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
MTypeM | M: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
PTypeM | P: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
QoTypeM | Qo: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
QntTypeHIM | ВНР: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
QntTypeM | ВОК: dimension | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
t1_1 | t1 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
t2_1 | t2 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
t3_1 | t3 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V1_1 | V1 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V2_1 | V2 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V3_1 | V3 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M1_1 | M1 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M2_1 | M2 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M3_1 | M3 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
P1_1 | P1 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
P2_1 | P2 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Mg_1 | Mg (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Qo_1 | Qo (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Qg_1 | Qg (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
dt_1 | dt (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
BNR_1 | ВНР (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
BOC_1 | ВОС (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
G1_1 | G1 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
G2_1 | G2 (Tв1) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
t1_2 | t1 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
t2_2 | t2 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
t3_2 | t3 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V1_2 | V1 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V2_2 | V2 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
V3_2 | V3 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M1_2 | M1 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M2_2 | M2 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
M3_2 | M3 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
P1_2 | P1 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
P2_2 | P2 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Mg_2 | Mg (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Qo_2 | Qo (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
Qg_2 | Qg (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
dt_2 | dt (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
BNR_2 | ВНР (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
BOC_2 | ВОС (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
G1_2 | G1 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable | |
G2_2 | G2 (Tв2) | Real | Input | Full access | Variable |
Configuring and using
3.2 Mercury 200 (m200) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Arsen Zakojan |
One phase counter of electricity Mercury 200, 203.2Т, 206 from the firm "Incotex" (http://www.incotexcom.ru)
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<req first="255" second="16777215" data="{req}">{resp}</req>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
s | Energy from reset, tariffs sum | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
t1 | Energy from reset, tariff 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
t2 | Energy from reset, tariff 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
t3 | Energy from reset, tariff 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
t4 | Energy from reset, tariff 4 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
U | Voltage U(V) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
I | Current I(A) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
P | Power P(W) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | merc200 |
netaddr | Network address | Real | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
naladchik | Coded address by the program Fixer+ | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
tarif | Read energy from reset | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
UIP | Read current values | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
first | First byte of the address | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
second | Last 3 bytes of the address | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_frq | Function calculate frequency (Hz) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
Configuring and using
3.3 Mercury 230 (m230) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Arsen Zakojan |
Three phase counter of electricity Mercury 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236 from the firm "Incotex" (http://www.incotexcom.ru)
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<req netaddr="255" data="{req}">{resp}</req>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
answer | Answer to the password request | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
TS | Read energy of tariffs sum | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T1 | Read energy of tariff 1 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T2 | Read energy of tariff 2 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T3 | Read energy of tariff 3 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T4 | Read energy of tariff 4 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
P | Read power P | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
Q | Read power Q | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
S | Read power S | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
U | Read voltage U | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
I | Read current I | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
K | Read power coefficient | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
F | Read frequency F | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
N | Read serial number | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
TSAp | Energy from resetting, tariffs sum A+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
TSAm | Energy from resetting, tariffs sum A- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
TSRp | Energy from resetting, tariffs sum R+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
TSRm | Energy from resetting, tariffs sum R- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T1Ap | Energy from resetting, tariff 1 A+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T1Am | Energy from resetting, tariff 1 A- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T1Rp | Energy from resetting, tariff 1 R+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T1Rm | Energy from resetting, tariff 1 R- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T2Ap | Energy from resetting, tariff 2 A+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T2Am | Energy from resetting, tariff 2 A- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T2Rp | Energy from resetting, tariff 2 R+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T2Rm | Energy from resetting, tariff 2 R- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T3Ap | Energy from resetting, tariff 3 A+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T3Am | Energy from resetting, tariff 3 A- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T3Rp | Energy from resetting, tariff 3 R+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T3Rm | Energy from resetting, tariff 3 R- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T4Ap | Energy from resetting, tariff 4 A+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T4Am | Energy from resetting, tariff 4 A- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T4Rp | Energy from resetting, tariff 4 R+ | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
T4Rm | Energy from resetting, tariff 4 R- | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
PS | Power P(W) by the phases sum | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
P1 | Power P(W) by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
P2 | Power P(W) by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
P3 | Power P(W) by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
QS | Power Q(var) by the phases sum | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Q1 | Power Q(var) by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Q2 | Power Q(var) by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
Q3 | Power Q(var) by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
SS | Power S(VA) by the phases sum | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
S1 | Power S(VA) by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
S2 | Power S(VA) by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
S3 | Power S(VA) by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
U1 | Voltage U(V) by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
U2 | Voltage U(V) by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
U3 | Voltage U(V) by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
I1 | Current I(A) by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
I2 | Current I(A) by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
I3 | Current I(A) by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
KS | Power coefficient by the phases sum | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
K1 | Power coefficient by the phase 1 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
K2 | Power coefficient by the phase 2 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
K3 | Power coefficient by the phase 3 | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
F1 | Frequency F(Hz) | Real | Input | Read only | Variable | |
N1 | Serial number | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
netaddr | Network address (0...240) | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
password | Password | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 111111 |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | merc230 |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_frq | Function calculate frequency (Hz) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
Configuring and using
3.4 Nik2303I (Nik2303I) |
1.0 | GPLv2 | * => UserProtocol | en, uk, ru | Ruslan Yarmoliuk |
Three phase counter of electricity NIK 2303 from firm NIK LLC (http://www.nik.net.ua).
Output user protocol's XML request structure
<req SN="1234567" cntr="0x10">{resp}</req>
Template IOs
Identifier | Parameter | Type | Mode | Attribute | Configuration | Value |
transport | Transport | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | Sockets.out_ |
serial | Factory number of the counter | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | |
passw | Password | String | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1111111111111111 |
kT | Coefficient of transformation | Integer | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 1 |
T0 | Current values | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T1 | Current values tariff T1 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T2 | Current values tariff T2 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
T3 | Current values tariff T3 | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
U | Instantaneous value "Voltage" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
I | Instantaneous value "Current" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
P | Instantaneous value "Power" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
kP | Instantaneous value "Power coefficient" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
Q | Instantaneous value "Power reactive" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
K | Instantaneous value "Vectors angle" | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Constant | 0 |
Ae | А+(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae_ | А-(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re | R+(1+2quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re_ | R-(3+4quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae1 | А1+(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae_1 | А1-(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re1 | R1+(1+2quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re_1 | R1-(3+4quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae2 | А2+(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae_2 | А2-(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re2 | R2+(1+2quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re_2 | R2-(3+4quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae3 | А3+(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Ae_3 | А3-(kW*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re3 | R3+(1+2quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Re_3 | R3-(3+4quadrant)(kVar*h) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
U1 | Phase voltage 1(V) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
U2 | Phase voltage 2(V) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
U3 | Phase voltage 3(V) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
I1 | Phase current 1(A) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
I2 | Phase current 2(A) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
I3 | Phase current 3(A) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
kP1 | Power coeff. cos φ phase 1 | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
kP2 | Power coeff. cos φ phase 2 | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
kP3 | Power coeff. cos φ phase 3 | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Psum | Summary active power (kW) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
P1 | Active power phase 1 (kW) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
P2 | Active power phase 2 (kW) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
P3 | Active power phase 3 (kW) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Qsum | Summary reactive power (kVar) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Q1 | Reactive power phase 1 (kVar) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Q2 | Reactive power phase 2 (kVar) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
Q3 | Reactive power phase 3 (kVar) | Real | Output | Read only | Variable | |
V12 | Vector angle U1_U2 (degr.) | Integer | Output | Read only | Variable | |
V13 | Vector angle U1_U3 (degr.) | Integer | Output | Read only | Variable | |
this | Object | Object | Input | Not attribute | Variable | |
NAME | Name | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
SHIFR | Shifr | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
DESCR | Description | String | Input | Read only | Variable | |
f_stop | Function stop flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_err | Function error | String | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_start | Function start flag | Boolean | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 0 |
f_frq | Function calculate frequency (Hz) | Real | Input | Not attribute | Variable | 1000 |
Configuring and using
Libs/Devices/ru - GFDL | February 2022 | OpenSCADA 1+r2802 |